Author's Note

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How did I got into RWBY?

A/N: Long before Volume 4 was released, I had no idea about the show nor its characters. I only became aware of the show through a Death Battle video of all things (technically two videos). I just finish watching through the Hercule vs Dan Hibiki and I was wondering what's the next video would be they would make. Soon enough, they show Yang being the next contestant for the next Death Battle video. It intrigues as I never saw a character like her before, especially since she was made in a 3-D model rather than 2-D. Being curious, I then watch the Yang vs Tifa video and man, the segment with Yang and her fight against Tifa really piqued my interest in the show she was in. Before long, I then watch the four trailers and Vol.1-3 and I became a fan of the show. I loved the show back then but, ever since the later volumes, I've become indifferent with it, as I now realize the poor writing the show have and don't get me started on the fans that belittle others for having different opinion on the show. So, yeah, if you like the show as a whole, then that's fine with me. As for me, my love for the show is still there but, again I've become indifferent with it. 

Anyway, hope you enjoy reading this. Go ahead and comment below how you got into RWBY.

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