Chapter 13

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(Remus, A Long Time Ago)

Remus walks into a nearby Mistralian walled town, visibly scrawny and tired. His backpack he's been carrying is empty. No more food, drink, or any supplies. He wonders into a busy street, his presence unacknowledged by the passers-by, unless he accidentally bumps into them. 

Passersby #99: "Watch it, kid!"

Remus: "S-Sorry..."

The ginger-haired boy passes an open market and sees the food on display, making his mouth water, but after checking his pockets, he finds no money. He stands in place, his face conveying a rising sense of panic, hunger, and desperation. It's only when he catches a kid, wearing ragged clothes, pickpocketing some adults that the boy's face begins to remain still. He decides to follow the kid and winds up in a back-alley where a small group of other similarly ragged kids, pulling their own ill-gotten gains together. 

Remus: ("They... they have food...")

He approaches them weakly, which makes the group of kids, most of which are Faunus, become aware of his presence.

Remus: "Can... can you spare a few liens?"

They all share a look before looking back at the ginger-haired kid with irritation.

Kid #5: "Who the hell do you think you are? Get lost, punk!"

Remus was a little shock by this only to continue to plead.

Remus: "P-Please, I'm hungry. I got nothing to eat. I just need a few liens."

Kid #3: "Tough shit. Now beat it!"

The ginger-haired boy plead again and again, but the group of kids keeps rebuffing him until one of them, the same kid Remus followed, steps in, taking an aggressive stance to intimidate Remus.

Kid #1: "You better leave now or else."

In response, Remus cries out one last time.

Remus:  "I just need some money!"

As he said this, Remus lunge forward and punch the kid trying to intimidate him. Seeing this unfold, the other kids charge after Remus to attack him. However, Remus managed to beat the ever-living snot out of all the kids, but not without some beating from them. After some time, Remus remains the only one standing. He collects the lien from the ground that the kids dropped and put it in his own coin pouch. Before he leaves the alley, the same kid he followed to this alley, slowly lift his head and asks.

Kid #1: "W-Who are you?"

Remus pauses, still out of breath from the fight, bruised, tired, and hungry. And in a moment, he closes his eyes to steady himself. He opens them again and finally responds back.

Roman: "My name is Roman. Roman Torchwick. And these streets are mine now. Everything you steal comes to me or... else."

The kid weakly nod to him as Remus or Roman now, look at himself for a bit before thinking.

Roman: ("I need some new clothes.")




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