Chapter 15

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(During The Fall of Beacon)

During Neo's fight with Roman against Ruby, the mute girl is sent flying into the air. She scrambles at her umbrella/parasol as it eventually buckles under her weight and inverts itself, causing her to tumble towards the ground below her, much to her shock.

Neo: "...!!"

On her way down, a Griffon flies directly into her at high speeds only to get knocked off course by a damaged airship crash land onto it. During this, while the Griffon didn't kill her, the large debris from the airship does hit her, which breaks her aura almost instantly. 

Neo: "...!!!"

She finishes her fall as the moment she made impact with the ground, a series of sickening crunches as Neo's eyes closes, only seeing nothing but pitch darkness. 

(Some Time Later)

Neo slowly open her eyes only half-lifted and her vision being blurry. She pulls herself towards where her umbrella has landed, using one arm and when she tries to use the other arm, it causes her to wince in pain. As she almost makes it to her umbrella, Neo slowly see Roman's bowler hat, being blown in on the wind and land in front of her, landing on top of her umbrella. Neo carefully pick up the hat with her good arm and drags it to her. Her vision begins to blur even more by the tears coming out of her eyes, sniffling to herself as her vision goes dark once more. 

(Some Time Later)

When Neo steadily open her eyes again, she finds herself being wheeled through a hospital corridor by a tired-looking doctor and two orderlies as well as a medic. 

Tired Doctor: "Alright, any information on her?"

Medic: "Well, she was found by rescue workers. Her aura was barely keeping her alive. And her scroll has been smashed so, we can't have an accurate reading on what her aura's strength and durability was."

As the doctor and medic continue discussing with each other, Neo close her eyes as she loses consciousness once more.

(Later On)

Neo opens her eyes, finding herself in a hospital room as she's laying down on a bed. She shifts her eyes to the same tired-looking doctor, who is sitting on a chair next to her bed. The doctor is looking through his papers in his clipboard.

Tired Doctor: "Hm... that's a shame..."

As he said this, he goes to write down on something on his clipboard. The doctor then turns his attention to Neo.

Tired Doctor: "Since you can't remember anything, we're putting down your name as Jane Doe."

This makes Neo look visibly confused, which the doctor doesn't notice this as he quietly yawns before resuming.

Tired Doctor: "Anyway, you'll be staying here for about a month, considering how weak your aura was. So, get some rest and you'll heal up in no time."

The doctor then stands up from his chair as he continues.

Tired Doctor: "So stay where you are and rest up."

As he said this, he tries to move Roman's hat from her lap so that can be more comfortable. However, Neo refuses, holding on to the hat with a death grip before the man relents and lets her keep it with her on her bed. As the doctor leave the room, Neo continues to stare at Roman's hat as sadness is plastered all over her face. 

(Some Time Later)

Neo remains in her hospital bed as her umbrella, Hush at her side and Roman's hat barely peeking out from a bag on the floor under her bed. She starts pulling a strand of her brown hair and squints. It begins to match the pink shade she usually has but, after a moment of concentrating, the illusion dissolves, leaving Neo with plain brown hair. After a few moments of silence, she then hears a couple of voices behind the closed door.  

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