Chapter 17

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Back in Menagerie, Blake and Y/N are in the middle of a shift with another guardsman. As they make their round around the town as Y/N walk in front of them as part of the routine. The guardsman keeps stealing glances from her and Y/N. Blake notices this but, just brushes it off silently while Y/N is unaware of this, more focus on the job and making sure no trouble would arise.  When they stumble upon a crying child, Blake and Y/N goes to comfort him.

Y/N #3: "Hey, don't cry. We're here to help."

Blake: "Where are you parents?" 

Crying kid: "I... I lost them."

Right on cue, the kid's mother quickly appears in front of them as she sighs in relief.

Mother: "Oh my goodness. I'm so glad you're okay."

The mother's expression turns into concern when she sees both Blake and Y/N standing next to her son. She quickly moves in and pulls her son away from them, never letting her eyes leave them as her son lightly wave them goodbye.

Y/N #3: "Uhm... Happy to help, ma'am!"

He and Blake share a look of confusion at the mother's reaction. After some patrolling, the guardsman they were with told them that he should be going now as he leaves, Y/N could see his fellow co-worker glancing at them, just like the mother. 

Y/N #3: "Okay, bye then."

The guardsman doesn't respond back as he walks off, leaving Blake and Y/N confused. This confusion doesn't last long as Sun quickly approaches them.

Sun: "Guys!"

They turn their attention to see Sun rushing over to them, while holding a copy of the Menagerie Mirror newspaper. Catching his breath before them, Blake asks.

Blake: "Sun. What's wrong?"

Sun: "Have any of you... read the papers this afternoon?"

As he said this, he points to the newspaper he has in his hand.

Y/N #3: "Nope. I was tending to my wound on my left arm with Blake's mom, of course."

Blake: "I haven't. I haven't stayed up too late reading books with my dad, so I have to rush out the door or I be late for my shift. "

In response, Sun holds up his copy and shows them a certain article.

Sun: "Blake, they're calling your dad as either a hypocrite or ineffective figure." 

Blake and Y/N examine the article Sun is presenting them as Blake reads the important bits out loud.

Blake: "Ghira Belladonna's position of a peaceful relationship with the humans has received mixed reactions with some even questioning his rise to chieftain status as a result."

As she that last part, she and Y/N becomes stunned by this before Y/N start speaking from where Blake left off.

Y/N #3: "New accusations of human sympathizing have arisen while at the same time, his daughter, the Kua Kuana famous Blake Belladonna has returned from her time as a terrorist extremist in the White Fang. Not to mention that Ghira Belladonna has been harboring a violent human in his household who has been known to have ties with the White Fang that his daughter has brought to Menagerie."

After processing this, both Y/N and Blake become enraged by the article's portrayal of themselves and Ghira. 

Y/N #3: "This is all bullshit! None of this is true at all."

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