Chapter 5

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(Mistral, One Month Since the Fall of Beacon)

Adam strolls through a set of double doors to a throne room that has seen better days. He walks pass a bunch of White Fang troops picking up pieces of debris, mopping up stray specks of blood, and posting White Fang banners across the walls. 

Adam: ("Sienna

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Adam: ("Sienna.")

In the middle of the room, he finds Sienna Khan with her back to Adam as she observes the work being done by her subordinates. 

Without him saying a word, Sienna begins to speak up

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Without him saying a word, Sienna begins to speak up.

Sienna: "My, this place reeks of corruption. To think it was owned by a black-marker slave trader and now has been liberated in the name of the cause. Quite ironic that a place once so foul would become the perfect staging ground for a new era of the White Fang."

Her own remark makes her smile.

Sienna: "Heh, I like the sound of that."

Adam goes to kneel down with one knee, bowing to her.

Adam: "What about High Leader Kin Onrio? Where is he?"

Sienna turns to face Adam, snarling at him in reply.

Sienna: "High Leader Onrio has been removed and arrested for the atrocities committed in Vale. It was all I could do to save the White Fang from international retribution on an unprecedented scale. Thanks to that, our reputation has to be completely rejuvenated from the ground up."

Adam doesn't say a word to her response as she continues speaking.

Sienna: "I would have you arrested as well, Adam. Unfortunately, I demand for you to bring the Lieutenant."

Adam: "The Lieutenant?"

Sienna: "Indeed. I demand to see him since I've been locked out of Onrio's files, and I want to hear what his orders were directly from him."

The woman then goes to glare at Adam.

Sienna: "Now, where is he?"

Quickly sensing the gravity of his position, Adam decides to lie to her, while giving a silver of truth.

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