Chapter 26

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(Evernight Castle aka Salem's Lair)

Salem: "Did you find the relic at Beacon Academy?"

Christina: "Unfortunately, no matter where I search, I couldn't find anything. Ozpin may be craftier than I thought."

Salem: "I see."

Salem turns to Cinder grunted as she tore through Grimm after Grimm that she sent at her. As this happened, Christina, Mercury, and Emerald watched on the sidelines. 

Salem: "You're making good progress, Cinder. You're angry. But I want you to go deeper into that anger."

Salem turns and nod towards Emerald, who in response, put her fingers to the side of her head, activating her semblance. Suddenly, an image of a downed and helpless Ruby (in her old outfit) appeared in front of Cinder in the middle of the room. Cinder glares at Ruby's form, and quickly extends out her hand, releasing a powerful burst of flames which tore through the projection. 

Salem: "Now, even deeper."

She then gestures Emerald who activated semblance once more. This time, however, the image that appeared in front of Cinder, was Y/N. His hands are in his pockets in a carefree manner, and when he looks to see Cinder, he gives a warm, friendly smile to her. 

Cinder: "You..."

Anyone would have taken this as a nice gesture, but to Cinder, it was revolting. Utterly sickening. Aside from Ruby, everything about him just made her... angry. Not just angry, but spiteful. Gritting her teeth, Cinder balled up her hands into fists as she tries to control her anger, especially since Salem and Christina are in the same room with her. Unbeknownst to her and the others, Salem recognized this.

Salem: ("Her anger to Y/N is oddly similar to Christina. Since Darius' death, I'll need her to take his place. For now, all that is needed is for both her and Christina to become strong enough to defeat my son and let me use his power at the very least. Even if it means making them believe that they can get the chance to kill him for good.")

Salem then turns to Christina, nodding to her. Responding to this, Christina nods back as she goes over to Cinder.

Christina: "Don't hold yourself back. Let loose, Cinder. Let that anger and hate fuel your will and determination."

Cinder's eyes lit up in flames as she created a long flaming blade. Crying out in rage, she swung the flaming blade at Y/N, severing his torso from his lower body. An arc of flames sprung forward from the fiery strike leaving a large burnt mark in the wall at the end of the room. Christina looked onward at the destruction and smiled.

Chrsitina: "Very good, Cinder. Very good, Miss Fall Maiden."

Cinder just scoffs at her remark, rolling her eyes. Christina continues speaking.

Christina: "But if you want to make sure he's defeated, then it should be more like this."

Activating her semblance, Energy Manipulation, Christina extends an arm as dark purple veins appear on the lower part of her face as a large energy ball is emitted from the palm of her hand. In a few seconds, Christina releases a large energy blast at the same wall. It leaves a much larger burnt mark than Cinder's fiery attack next to it. With a smirk, Christina turns to Cinder and the others.

Christina: "That's how it is done."

Cinder just growls at her before Salem stepping in. 

Salem: "Now, now, you two. I think that's enough for today. We'll be doing this the next day like usual. You're all dismissed."

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