Chapter 25

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Ruby slowly awakes up to find herself in a double bed accommodation at a nearby medical center with Qrow sleeping on one bed, while she and Y/N share the other bed. She smiles upon seeing Y/N's sleeping face in front of her as she goes to kiss him on the forehead, which doesn't wake him up.

Ruby: ("How cute...")

Ruby slowly gets off from the bed as she looks to see Crescent Rose leaning next to Y/N's bed as well as Qrow's longsword and Ozpin's cane leaning next to Qrow's bed. She then walks over to Qrow, putting her hand on his head.

Ruby: ("I'm so glad we made it...")

The girl goes over and sit at a nearby large desk, picking up the pen and writing on a notepad. Ruby speaks in her thoughts as she starts writing her letter to Yang.

Ruby: ("Hey sis, I hope my letters have been reaching you and Dad. Hand-written stuff's never been super reliable, but I guess it's all we've got these days. Anyway, in case you haven't been getting them, I want to say I'm sorry for leaving the way I did. I know you told me it was a reckless idea, and after everything I've been through, I can definitely say you were right. It's been hard on all of us, and I'm not just talking about the monsters we fought out here...")


An Atlesian pilot counts the lien given to him by Wiess and Y/N.

Atlas Pilot: "Okay, you two can hide out back in the cargo hold. I'll take you as far as I can, but if we get caught, you're on your own. Understand?"

Weiss and Y/N share a look before nodding affirmatively and begins walking forward to the pilot's ship.

Ruby: ("Every step we made took us further and further from the things we knew. And every morning we woke up wondering, if just over the next hill would be something good or something terrible...")


Inside the Belladonna household, Blake and Y/N head inside Ghira's office. Blake places a small chest with the Albain name emblazed on it, on the desk and opens it. Inside are various objects, including a tattered White Fang flag, a spiral notebook and a book.

Ruby: ("It's scary not knowing what's going to happen next. And the things we do know now. Just how bad it can get. It almost makes it all worse...")


Yang, Y/N, and Neo aboard on a boat as Yang lean against the wall as she quietly looks at the Team STRQ picture with Bumblebee leaning on the same wall next to her. Neo and Y/N, meanwhile, are studying the map Tai gave them.

Y/N #4: "Okay, looks like we're going the right direction."

Neo nod in agreement to him. 

Ruby: ("You told me once that bad things just happen. You were angry when you said it, and I didn't want to listen...")


Back at Beacon, it's been somewhat secured with all but, Beacon Tower being laced with rescue workers. The tower has been sectioned off and as the black tar drops from the frozen Wyvern, whatever Grimm fledglings emerge from that is quickly gunned down by Coco's minigun and a small group of other Huntsmen, who are seen around the barricade. Behind Coco, Velvet looks down at her scroll where she and CVFY have been accepted into Shade Academy, which makes Velvet sigh in relief.

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