Chapter 20

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(Adam, Mistral)

Inside the White Fang HQ's throne room, Adam kneels before Sienna, who is sitting on the throne flanked by two guards on either side of her. Enraged, Sienna slam a fist on the throne's armrest.

Sienna: "Adam, I'm not going to repeat myself, so I want you to listen when I tell you that the White Fang will not attack Haven Academy and Mistral as a whole!"

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Sienna: "Adam, I'm not going to repeat myself, so I want you to listen when I tell you that the White Fang will not attack Haven Academy and Mistral as a whole!"

Adam: "I am begging you. Please-"

Sienna: "No! You should beg for forgiveness and nothing else! The assault you led on Beacon was not the great victory you clearly think it was, and you should be more grateful your punishment was not more severe. You are a symbol for many in our organization, but that doesn't make you infallible. Do you even comprehend what you have done?"

Adam: "Yes, I do. I was merely trying to follow your example, High Leader."

Sienna: "And what example might that be?"

Adam: "Strength. Strength and unwavering conviction. The humans have seen that strength now."

Sienna: "I was one of the first to suggest violence where violence was necessary. Me and Kin Onrio. Peace bred complacency and acceptance of our place in the world. I will not allow humanity to push us down without pushing them back. But the destruction of the Huntsman Academies crosses a line! The loss of Vale CCT! And the White Fang is more of a target now than ever before! You have justified humanity's campaign against us, and for what?! Empty promises from a group of humans? Humans we still know nothing about and come and go as they please! These are not examples of strength, Adam. They are examples of your talents being diminished by shortsightedness!"

Adam: "High Leader Khan, do not believe that I have not thought this through."

Sienna: "Clearly you-"

Adam: "Because I have. For too long, they have lived in determined ignorance of what our people suffered through all so they could live in their comfortable dream that all is right between our kinds... as if they haven't wronged us."

Sienna sighs as she responds.

Sienna: "Adam... my hear still pains for what they did to you."

Adam goes to touch his mask a little bit before putting his hand away as he continues. 

Adam: "I can and have burden my own pain, High Leader Khan. But I cannot and will not live with is the pain of countless others who are still being used and abused by these animals. You took control of the White Fang to put an end to that." 

Sienna: "So that they would fear us, to respect us, to know that we could tear down mountains for our place in this world. Not to destroy them, not to strike at those that have done us no harm and certainly not to start a war we cannot win." 

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