Chapter 9

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Back in Patch, Y/N is sitting between Yang and Neptune at an outdoor bench of a nearby clinic with Yang removing her robotic arm after a hefty workout with Y/N. Y/N goes to stretch his arms for a bit.

Y/N #4: "That was quite the workout huh Yang."

Yang: "No kidding. You sure didn't hold back any of your punches."

Y/N #4: "Well, you did say not to hold back."

Neptune, meanwhile, is looking through a magazine about motorcycles and other shopping items, which both Yang and Y/N take notice of.

Y/N #4: "You interested in getting a motorcycle, Neptune?"

Neptune: "I guess so. Though, once I'm done healing, of course."

As he said this, he points to the pair of crutches he has beside him. They are then casually about different motorcycles and other such shoptalk. When Yang talks about her own motorcycle, Neptune points out something. 

Neptune: "Now that you mention it, isn't your bike going out of date?"

This makes Y/N surprise at his remark, while Yang just stares him down.

Yang: "You better be careful with your words, or I'll put you out of date."

Neptune: "R-Right."

He then awkwardly laughs it off, while Y/N shake his head and goes to attempt to change the subject.

Y/N #4: "Anyway, are you seeing anyone, Neptune?"

Neptune: "You mean dating?"

Y/N #4: "Uh-huh."

Neptune: "So far, no."

Yang: "If you are, then you better not tell them that you still need floaties when going into a pool."

Neptune: "Ah crap, you're right."

Y/N #4: "I heard there's swimming therapy here in this clinic."

Neptune: "Really?"

Y/N #4: "Yep."

Neptune: "Hmm... I'll 'try' it out." 

Yang then pats him on the shoulder.

Yang: "I'm sure it'll help."

Neptune nod to her before getting up from his spot with his pair of crutches.

Neptune: "Okay, I gotta go. See ya guys."

They wave him goodbye as he enters the clinic. This is when Tai walks in on them, having watched their conversation from afar. 

Yang: "Hey, Dad."

Y/N #4: "Nice to see you again, Tai."

Tai: "Hello, you two..."

The man turns to Y/N.

Tai: "So, how's been therapy for you so far, Y/N?"

Y/N #4: "Honestly, it's been fine. A lot more peaceful than I thought it would be."

Tai: "I see. I heard from Qrow that you took 2 months of therapy before, is that right?"

Yang: "Wait, you did?"

Y/N #4: "Hehe, yeah, so I pretty much have some level of experience with this kind of thing."

Tai: "Hmm..."

The blonde man then turns his attention to Yang.

Tai: "Well, you seem to be doing well now that you've been going to therapy?"

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