Chapter 18

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(Yang and Neo)

At nighttime, the brown-haired Neo quietly sneaks inside of Yang's room through the opened window and this time, Y/N is right behind her as he closed the window behind them. As they approach the sleeping Yang, Neo and Y/N share a brief look before nodding as Y/N goes to place his hands on Yang's shoulder. 

Y/N #4: "Hey, Yang. Wake up."

Shaking her a bit cause Yang to slowly open her eyes, eventually waking up.

Yang: "H-Huh? Y/N... Neo..."

Y/N #4: "It's time, Yang. Put on your robot arm." 

Fully waking up, Yang looks between Y/N and the smirking Neo before nodding and put on her robot arm. She then gives them a determined look.

Yang: "Okay. Let's do it." 

Later on, Neo and Yang are on Yang's bed, sitting across from each other as Y/N is between them with a scroll on his lap. Y/N scrolls between them with a series of words projected onto it. Frequently, Neo points to the words on the scroll and does a sign with her hands. 

Y/N #4: "Next word is... ice."

Yang: "Ice... like this?"

She shows them the sign for ice with her robot hand only for Neo to lightly slap it off. 

Yang: "Guess that wasn't it."

Y/N #4: "Well, you almost got it. It should look more like this."

In sync, both Y/N and Neo sign the word for ice with their hands and showing it to Yang. 

Yang: "I keep forgetting that Neo taught you how to use sign language."

Y/N #4: "She did teach me during our break between the semesters from Beacon."

Yang: "Right, you two met long before the Fall of Beacon happened."

Y/N #4: "Yep."

He then goes to explain how exactly he and Neo met, such as their first encounter near the ice cream store and how they hang out together during the break as Yang absorb the information Y/N had told her. After that, Yang goes to stretch her arms before speaking. 

Yang: "Hey, we've been at this at least a couple of days so far."

Neo: "We have."

Y/N #4: "What about it?"

Yang: "Well, I've been practicing signing by myself, and I want to see if you two could understand it."

Neo and Y/N glances to each other before smiling to Yang.

Neo: "Sure."

Y/N #4: "Give it your best shot."

Yang then starts to sign out the words through her arm and robotic arm. 

Yang: "Why didn't you kill me?"

This leaves Neo stumped for how to respond and stun Y/N a bit. Eventually, Neo thinks about it, and she starts signing some words to respond as Yang focus and reads out her signing. 

Yang: "We are... bacon?"

Y/N #4: ("Bacon?")

Neo shakes her head and remakes the last symbol from her hands as Yang correct herself.

Yang: "Oooh, we're the same... we're the same? What does that have to do with bacon?"

Y/N #4: "Yang, I don't think bacon has anything to do with this conversation."

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