Chapter 24

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Y/N and the others are thrown back after their initial assault by the Nuckelavee as it raised its human-like head back, twitching as it screams loudly again, and everyone covered their ears at the sheer intensity of the sound. After that, the Grimm look at its surroundings. It then turned took at Y/N and the others, who are very clearly surrounded in a smoke of black mist that are outline in the Grimm's vision. The Grimm tilt its head to their left to straight at the biggest cloud of darkness, Qrow along with the large smoke of black and red mist surrounding Y/N. Realizing where it's looking at, both Ruby and Y/N turn to Qrow.

Y/N #1: "Qrow!"

Immediately, Y/N ran towards the immobile huntsman. Without warning, the Grimm extend its long arms towards Y/N, but Ruby uses her semblance to speed over their direction, grab and pull them away from the Grimm's claws. Not used to carrying the weight of a two individual, Ruby stumbles at the end of her dash and has to readjust. Acting quickly, Y/N put one of Qrow's arms over his own shoulder and lift him up to his feet as Ruby does the same.

Y/N #1: "Thanks, Rubes."

Ruby: "No problem."

 Suddenly, they look around to see the horse part of the Grimm charging towards them. Y/N's free hand went to the hilt of his blade instinctively, but this is when Ren drop to the ground and use his semblance spread the gray scaling on the ground, Ruby, Y/N, and Qrow. 

Y/N #1: ("What the?")

Ren: "Just get him to safety!"

Y/N and Ruby nod gratefully and began walking away as fast as they could with the help of Y/N mimicking Ruby's semblance. The Grimm stops, confused at their "disappearances" just as a barrage of grenades from Nora slam into its sight. The red-eyed Y/N and Ruby dragged Qrow to a secluded spot at the foot of a building, hidden away from the battlefield, settling him down.

Ruby: "We should hurry back."

Y/N #1: "Right."

Before they turn to leave, Qrow's hand shout out and grab Ruby's hand.

Ruby: "Qrow?"

Y/N #1: "Can you hear us?"

Before he could say anything, Qrow pass out, letting go of Ruby's hand. Ruby and Y/N share a quick look before nodding and rushing back to the fight where Nora, Ren, and Jaune are circling around the Nuckelavee. During this, Y/N and Ruby draw out their Grimm Slayer and Crescent Rose respectively.

Y/N #1: "What's the plan?"

Jaune: "We're moving around in a circle and attacking pot shots at it."

Y/N #1: "Sounds like a plan."

Y/N then goes to sheath back Grimm Slayer and goes to take out his pistols. With the Nuckelavee distracted with Ren, Nora, and Jaune circling around it, Ruby rushes towards the Grimm to slash its head only for one of its lengthy arms to knock her out of the sky. 

Jaune: "Ruby!"

Seeing this, the red-eyed Y/N use Ruby's semblance to dash over to her and manage to catch her bridal style. 

Ruby: "Thanks for the save."

Y/N #1: "Circle straight, Ruby. It can't lock onto any of us."

Ruby: "Got it."

Placing her back on her feet, Y/N and Ruby rush over to join the others in circling around the Grimm, taking swipes and pot shots at it, while it's unable to lock onto any of them. Nora's grenades do land a hit on the Grimm only for a few to be knock away by it and slam into some buildings nearby, causing a noticeable fire on top of the buildings. With all this running around, the Nuckelavee raise its head up high suddenly, and began to spin quickly, its long arms extended outwards. Y/N and the others tried to avoid the arms but, it ends up knocking them off their feet. 

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