Chapter 8

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Drifting in her slumber, Ruby views the same darkness bordered by moving yellow circles before hearing the same voice, echoing in her ears.

Pyrrha: "Jaune... Jaune!"

She then hears the sound of a sword being drawn from it sheathes.

Pyrrha: "Jaune!" 

Ruby opens her eyes slowly and just breathes, letting her eyelids drift shut. Her eyes open wide when, from nearby, she hears the same voice, speaking calmly.

Pyrrha: "Jaune..."

Ruby sits up and looks around. There are little will-o-the-wisps floating around, looking very similar to the white circles in the dream. The campfire is still burning but has died down. Y/N, Ren, and Nora are asleep while their weapons are once again at their sides. Jaune's sleeping bag, however, is empty. Through the trees beyond Jaune's sleeping bag, Pyrrha's voice can still be heard, but it is muffled.

Pyrrha: "Alright, Jaune, just like we practiced. Follow these instructions."

Two of the words are louder and echo like in Ruby's dreams, making it sound like Pyrrha is saying "Follow me".

Ruby gets up and walks toward the voice. She takes a moment to play with one of the wisps as she looks around, uncertain. Moving forward, she spots something, and her mouth falls open. Gazing with concern, Ruby moves next to a tree and watches from there. A slight distance in front of Ruby, but facing away, Jaune draws his sword, while hearing his helmet. He poses with it and the shield, before dropping his shoulders and turning to his right. His scroll is set up on a stump with Pyrrha's voice being played in a video. 

Meanwhile, Y/N jolted up from his sleeping bag, breathing heavily after experiencing another nightmare once more. He looks around his surroundings only to find Ruby's and Jaune's sleeping bag empty. Panic begins to swell up inside him only to hear a familiar voice in the distance. 

Y/N #1: ("Pyrrha...")

He then follows the direction of the voice slowly as he spots Ruby, hiding behind a tree, watching Jaune train his sword, with the help of the video Pyrrha made.

Pyrrha: "Alright, Jaune, just like we practiced. Follow these instructions. Shield up."

Jaune lifts his shield so that only his eyes up are not protected.

Pyrrha: "Keep your grip tight."

Jaune tightens his hand on his sword.

Pyrrha: "Don't forget to keep your front foot forward."

Jaune hasn't forgotten and doesn't need to move. Y/N's eyes widen upon seeing Pyrrha in the video, realizing that Pyrrha once told her that she would make a video to help Jaune's training. 

Pyrrha: "Ready? Go."

Jaune steps forward with the sword, cutting at the air and making a fighting cry.

Pyrrha: "Again."

Jaune moves forward with his other foot, again slashing the air and releasing a cry.

Pyrrha: "And again."

Jaune spins in a circle, putting a lot of feeling and effort into his next cry and slash. It has cost him a bit, and he pants, but continues anyway. Y/N slowly walk up to Ruby, who is unaware of his presence. He proceeds to tap her on the shoulder, making her jump slightly as she turns to see him and speak in a whispering tone.

Ruby: "Y/N! You scared me."

In response, Y/N whispers as well.

Y/N #1: "Sorry about that, Rubes. How long has he been doing this?"

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