Chapter 22

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The abandoned town of Kuroyuri was the most devastated place they have come across in their entire journey. Y/N, Ruby, and Jaune paused at the entrance of the place, taking in all the destruction and wreckage with grim expressions. There was no sign of life. They start walking down the road, carrying Qrow on the makeshift stretcher with Y/N walking beside him. 

Jaune: "Oh, man."

Y/N #1: "This place feels like death."

Ruby: "Come on. We need to keep moving."

Y/N nod as they start moving forward. As they ventured deeper into the town, Ruby wonder out loud. 

Ruby: "Any of these places look like a pharmacy? Or a clinic?"

Jaune: "It's... honestly hard to tell."

Y/N #1: "The buildings are all too messed up. We'll have to take a look ourselves at some point."

Before speaking, Ruby let out a sigh.

Ruby: "Ren really didn't want to come here, did he?"

Jaune: "Uh... didn't seem so."

Ruby: "Do you know... why?"

Jaune just stare down at the ground before responding.

Jaune: "I think... I have a pretty good idea..."

Y/N #1: ("This place... is probably his hometown. That tone in his voice... he was trying to get away from something here... just like me...")

As they reached a huge but bare tree in what seemed to be the center of town, Ruby and Jaune set Qrow down and with the help of Y/N, makes Qrow lean against the tree.

Ruby: "Y/N, you stay here with Uncle Qrow. Jaune and I will go look around for any medical supplies we can find and probably a sturdy building we can hole up inside and wait for help."

Y/N nod from his spot beside Qrow, just as he coughed again, making Y/N more worried. 

Y/N #1: "Hurry..."

Ruby nod to him as she and Jaune left to scavenge for supplies and scout for a place to hole up. Y/N watch them go as he turn his attention to the unconscious Qrow, who is still clutching his abdomen. Y/N slowly place a hand on his shoulder.

Y/N #1: "Hang in there, Qrow... just stay with us..."

(10 Minutes Later)

Ruby and Jaune return back to Y/N.

Y/N #1: "Well? Anything?"

In response, Ruby just shook her head sadly. 

Ruby: "We couldn't find anything useful."

Jaune: "Everything was either broken, spilled, or gone bad. Not a single stable building for us to enter. Ren was right, this place was abandoned a long time ago."

Y/N #1: "Damn it. There's no point in lingering here any longer then. We'll have to start moving and-"

Before he could finish, they hear a faint roar from the distance. Upon hearing this, Jaune quickly turned backwards defensively, a hand on the hilt of his sword as Y/N swiftly takes out Crimson out at the direction of the roar. 

Ruby: "It's okay, guys... it's far off."

Jaune just sigh.

Jaune: "I know but... Ren and Nora are still out there."

He turns around to face her, though she is not looking up as Y/N speak up in concern for her. 

Y/N #1: "Ruby...?"

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