Chapter 7

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Blake stands on a second story deck of her home outside her father's office. The broken moon shines over the house. Blake stares at her father's door, beside which hangs an empty birdcage, when Kali speaks up.

Kali: "You know, you can always go in and say hi."

This startles Blake as she finds her mother behind her, holding a tray with a tea set on it. 

Blake: "I... I don't wanna bother him."

Kali: "A father's never too busy for his daughter."

Blake: "Not all of my friends would agree with you on that."

Kali kisses her daughter on the cheek and hands her the tray. Blake accepts it, but is a bit taken aback by being handed it.

Kali: "Here."

Blake: "Wait, where are you going?"

Kali: "You've never been very talkative, but those boys you brought home loves to run their mouth, especially that Sun fellow. I wanna hear more about the adventures of Team RWBY, especially your relationship with Y/N, if you know what I mean~"

Blake: "M-Mom!"

Kali: "Teasing, just teasing."

Kali walks away, leaving Blake by herself as Ghira calls out from inside his office.

Ghira: "Kali? Is that you, dear?"

Blake gives a nervous start of surprise when she hears his voice. The tray shakes in her hands, and she lets out a quiet whine. Ghira straightens some paperwork on his desk as the porch door slides open and Blake steps inside.

Blake: "Uh, hey dad."

Ghira: "Blake! Well, this is a pleasant surprise."

Blake: "I..."

Immediately, Ghira stands up from his spot. 

Ghira:  "Please, come sit."

Father and daughter both move to the oversized coffee table and lounge furniture, and Blake sets the tea set at the end where her father sits.

Ghira: "Don't worry, I've got it. Sit down, sit down."

Blake: "I don't wanna keep you if you're-"

Her words were interrupted by her father pouring some tea. 

Ghira: "Nonsense, I've been cooped up in here all day."

He puts a cube of sugar in the cup nearest Blake.

Ghira: "You still take sugar, right?"

Blake: "Oh, actually, uh-"

Ghira: "Oh! Sorry!"

Blake: "No, no, it's fine."

Ghira: "Oh, here, take this one."

Blake then goes to take her cup.

Blake: "No, really. It's, it's no big deal."

Ghira: "You sure?"

Blake: "Positive."

Ghira: "Old habits, I suppose."

Blake takes a sip of her tea and winces with a tiny exclamation of pain.

Ghira: "Might wanna let it cool."

Blake: "R-Right."

She sets the cup down on the table.

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