Chapter 10

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(A Long Time Ago, Brunswick Farm)

Remus quietly sneaks into a room and pulling up a chair next to a bed-ridden Aventine Brunswick. The girl is very pale and while she's supposedly unconscious, her eyes are half-lifted. Remus softly speak to her.

Remus: "Hey, Ave. I heard you weren't feeling well. My parents and the other adults wouldn't let me see you."

The boy expects some response from his friend only to get silence. He then continues speaking. 

Remus: "Things have been weird around the farm and I can't quite put my fingers on why. Everyone seems... off. Heck, I even feel weird myself... like sometimes I just don't... care about things."

He then goes to shake his head as he looks over his bed-ridden friend.

Remus: "I got scared so, I came to check up on you."

Aventine doesn't respond but, Remus does ear a racket from downstairs. He goes to the door and cracks it open slightly, listening out to a group of adults arguing about something just out of ear shot. Remus can barely hear what they're talking about, only hearing some of their voices being concern or angry. While some of their voices seem apathetic. Trying to get a better look through the door, Remus spot a man dressed in huntsman garb as the man turn to the other adults behind the corner.

Huntsman: "Alright! I'll go check out the well and see what the hell is going on."

Remus pulls back and closes the door, returning to sit beside Aventine.

Remus: "I hope you get better soon, Ave. I got a new game to play."

As he goes to touch her arm, Aventine immediately blink awake and start crying in pain, much to Remus's surprise and confusion.

Remus:  "A-Ave?"

Unbeknownst to him, the adults can hear the crying as they quickly burst into the room to find Remus, shaking her a bit.

Remus: "Ave, did I hurt you? I'm sorry, if I did."

As soon as Remus realize the presence of the adults, they begin to scold him.

Adult #1: "Remus Putnam, you shouldn't be here."

Remus: "B-But Mom, I-"

Adult #2: "Let's go. You're going back to your room."

His parents drag him out of the room as Remus glances over to Aventine, still crying in pain as the adults do their best to calm her down. 



Weiss stands alone on a large, empty stage, singing a wordless aria, her arms outstretched. She is perfectly positioned below the center of the painted emblem of Atlas that dominates the stage.

 She is perfectly positioned below the center of the painted emblem of Atlas that dominates the stage

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