Chapter 16

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(Roman, Long Time Ago)

On a rainy day, Roman, now a young adult, light up his cigar as he watches over his men collecting money and any other valuables, they can get their hands on in Mistral's back-alleys, putting them in a pile. 

They're nearby a house that has been burnt down as a few smokes coming out

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They're nearby a house that has been burnt down as a few smokes coming out. Roman soon spot one of his thugs not paying up as much as he was supposed to before he approaches him.

Roman: "Really? That's all you can offer."

The thug becomes visibly afraid upon seeing the angry glare Roman is giving him. 

Thug #3: "Y-Yeah."

The crime boss then points at the burned down house nearby.

Roman: "Then, go over there and find something worth selling and it better be valuable."

Thug #3: "I-I can't. Those stupid human supremacists burn down that house and a few other houses not too far from here."

Roman: "Ugh, then hand over some liens you got on your pockets then."

Thug #3: "B-But boss, I-!"

The hired goon feels a hand being placed on his shoulder as he turns around to see the rest of Roman's men staring him down. He then turns to Roman who glares at him intently. Out of fear and panic, the thug then hands over some liens he has on his pockets and giving to Roman, which pleases him. 

Roman: "Good. Now was that so hard to do?"

After that, Roman stroll around the burnt house mentioned earlier by one his men and into a nearby alley, examining it with much irritation, while holding an ice cream he stole from a random civilan. 

Roman: ("Ugh, those stupid human supremacists. Wasting perfectly good items to steal. Hm?")

The crime boss soon spots a trio of kids in the same alley he's in as they're standing over a fourth kid, a little girl, who is getting beaten up by the other kids. 

Kid #1: "Come on, give us some liens already."

Kid #2: "With fancy clothes like yours. You got to have some with you."

Kid #3: "We're going to keep beating up your face and clothes if you don't."

Girl: "..."

The girl just curls in on herself over a wall and takes the blow, doing very little to defend herself. Watching this unfold, Roman brush it off and as he was about to leave with his ice cream only to recall the whimpering of Aventine, leaking into his head. He pauses mid-step as he stares at the bruised and ragged little girl. The crime boss proceeds to approach the trio of kids and the girl, who soon become aware of his presence. 

Roman: "Alright, kids. Scram or I'll make you!"

Two of the kids did what they were told and ran away but, the bigger ringleader of them ignores his threat as he stands firmly.

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