Character Short: Y/N

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All the young Y/N could see was complete darkness. The silence gets disrupted by the increasing noise of screams, gunshots, roars were all he could hear. He wanted to make the noises to stop only to see the same giant red eyes followed by multiple red eyes all looking at him. In an instant, Y/N jolts back up from a bed, breathing heavily. He looks around to see where he is. As his breathing calmed down, he realized he was in a shabby room. He tries to move out of the bed only to wince in pain. He examines his body to see his arms, legs and chest wrapped in bandages. The room's door opens, and it was the same man with the large scythe, now drinking from his flask. 

Man: "Well, looks like you're awake."

The young Y/N stares down at him, giving him a stern look as the man puts aways his scythe after morphing it into a longsword, gets a chair and sit down near him. Y/N can sense the man's semblance but can't seem to mimic it. Not only that, despite sensing it being used, there's no indication or visual cues of it being used.

Y/N: "W-Who are you? Where am I? And why?"

Man: "Jeez, so many questions to answer... Well..."

The man ponders for a moment before speaking again.

Qrow: "The name's Qrow. You're in my home... well, a few that I sort of own. You've were sleeping for a couple of days. And as for why..."

Qrow takes another drink from his flask before speaking.

Qrow: "I brought you here to ask some questions. About your town, Brightwell and Omen Academy."

Y/N: "O-Oh..."

Y/N went silent, looking at the bandages on his arms and a bunch more around his chest and back. Seeing his distress expression, Qrow comments.

Qrow: "It's okay, kid. Take your time."

After a moment of hesitating, Y/N answers Qrow's multiple questions. Things like his life in Brightwell and what Omen Academy is like for a student like him. After some time, Y/N then asks his own questions.

Y/N: "Wait, was there anyone else left alive in Brightwell? What about my family? Anyone?"

Qrow goes quiet, looking away from Y/N's gaze and answers with a sad tone.

Qrow: "I'm... I'm sorry, kid... I really am."

Y/N's eyes widen as he slowly begins to remember what led to Brightwell's destruction, Omen Academy's destruction, and the death of his family... it was himself. The memories of what he has done once he unlocked his power as tears begin to fall from his face as he covers his face with his hands. Qrow left Y/N alone so he could let out his crying, getting out of the room.

Y/N: ("No... no... no...")

As soon as he calmed down, Qrow steadily entered the room, holding something in his hands while Y/N looked down at the bed. 

Y/N: "Are you a Huntsman?"

Qrow: "Yeah, I am. Just merely traveling and investigating."

Catching something in the corner of his eyes, Y/N asks once again.

Y/N: "W-What's that in your hands?"

Y/N looks up as Qrow continues.

Qrow: "The only thing I manage to get from the rubble was this. You were holding it after all."

Revealing it from a large cloth, he shows Y/N his sword, Grimm Slayer. Y/N's eyes widen as he quickly backs away as much as possible, staring at the weapon.

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