~Chapter 22~

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<this chapter is a follow up from the last one>

As we still sit here on the grass talking with the guys over what they could improve and learn from this match. Lizzy and another girl walked over to Ray and while they did, they looked at us with much hate.

I looked back to the guys who where now ready to get up of the ground and take a shower. They played in there gear so they smelled a little.

As we all started walking to our stuff, Lizzy stopped us.

"Well did I just hear that you guys were beaten, how sad. Who would of thought that both the football team and dancing team were so weak. One of you should of been a little stronger but guess not, it just proves that you guys are really just losers" she said looking at all of us.

"Girl for real what is your problem" Jack asked.

"You guys are! Ever sinds you guys came to our school everything has changed and we need to share everything with you!" The other girl said.

"You think we like this? The only reason we are here is because some of your stupid students ruined our school! If they wouldn't of done that we wouldn't of been here so the real losers are you. This is your price for doing it and I am very glad it sucks because you deserve nothing better" Jack said looking very mad.

He never is like this, he normally is the friend that calms everyone. I get it tho this school has made so much fun of him and his relationship.

"You think you are so cool freak" Lizzy said.

"And you think you are pretty barbie, we all got our own thing" Jack said looking very proud of how he stood up for himself.

Lizzy turned to me and was about to say something until she changed her mind and smirked.

"Amy was it right?" She asked.

"Yes" I replied coldly.

"Remember when you told my team that we dance like dolls on strings but why is it that we are not scared to dance and you guys haven't even shown how good you guys are" she said thinking that she said something amazing.

"Because we are not dumb enough to show our skills, you guys showed us how bad you were at dancing so we saw what we were up against but you guys don't see anything coming what we can do or going to do" I said proudly and that seemed to shut Lizzy up.

"Are we done here?" Logan asked.

"Yeah whatever" Lizzy said.

I just laughed at her and walked away. I look behind me one last time but my eyes meet Damians. He smiled at me and winked.

I smiled at him and then turned back to the guys who were walking up front.

"He likes you" Jack said.

"I hope he does" I said back.


I decided to take the bus today because Logan wanted to go to his aunt but because I had a lot of homework to do I decided to just come next time. Jack did join along so he isn't alone while he visit.

I was sitting at the bus stop when I heard a voice.

"Hey sweetheart" the voice said and without even looking I knew who it was.

I start to smile a little and then I look up to him.

"Hey Damian" I said.

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