17, Suspicious

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Was it suspicious that Vaera was already showing a moon after their wedding? Was it suspicious that three moons later she looked like she had a watermelon under her dress? Vaera tried to ignore the fact that the timing was wrong but it was only because this baby was Criston's. He knew it too. Sure people would talk but Criston was the father, this baby was no bastard.

Alicent was pregnant as well, their children would be born around the same time. Vaera hoped they could be friends.

"Vaera," Aegon declared, she propped her book on her stomach staring back at him.

"Hi handsome." Vaera coed, he pulled himself up sitting beside her. She pressed a kiss to his head and he smiled dreamily back at her. "Hello handsome," Vaera repeated as the door opened again.

"I brought the goods." Criston remarked holding a tray of milk and cookies.

"Hello handsome?" Aegon demanded.

"You want a cookie Aegon?" Vaera countered.

"How many men are you calling handsome?" Aegon countered. Aegon was Three years old, three and three quarters, he was basically a man if you asked him and he thought Vaera was the love of his life.

"You and Criston and-"

"AND!" Aegon demanded outraged as he took an aggressive bite of a cookie.

"And Calypso." Vaera agreed. "But i suppose she is more beautiful."

"You need to knock one of those names off the list." Aegon decided.

"What name would that be?" Vaera mused as Criston say beside her kissing her neck. Vaea giggled ticklish. Aegon looked between them dramatically.

"I think you can figure that out Vaera." Aegon corrected.

"Aegon, Criston is my husband." Vaera reminded him.

"Yeah and?" Aegon countered.

"I love him and he is handsome, very handsome." Vaera remarked kissing him again.

"I don't wike it." Aegon corrected shaking his head. "Just stop, please. You are going to change your mind and marry me."

"I'm already married Aegon."

"Accidents happen all the time!" Aegon declared desperately.

"Okay, if anything happens to Criston, I will keep you in mind." Vaera remarked. Aegon smirked. "But if anything happens to Criston I'm going to be so sad, so sad for years and years and years..." Aegon's smile fell. "You don't want me sad forever do you?" Vaera questioned kissing his little nose.

"No," Aegon agreed leaning into her.

"My good boy." Vaera agreed running a hand over his back.

Criston waited until Aegon was asleep in Vaera's lap before shifting Aegon off her and pulling vaera closer to him. She smiled kissing him again and again.

"Should I be worried?" Criston whispered against her lips.

"About what?" Vaera questioned kissing down his neck.

"That Aegon is going to try and kill me." Criston corrected. Vaera chuckled biting her lip, she tipped her head debating it.

"I think you are probably okay for now." Vaera remarked. "I might have to remind him again in a few years that your death would make me miserable and heart broken."

"We wouldnt want that." Criston agreed.


"Hi Nyra," Vaera declared, Rhaenyra offered her a tight smile as she passed, Vaera ran to catch up with her though. "What are you up to?" Vaera questioned.

"Busy Vaera, what do you want?"

"I want to hang out with my sister." Vaera remarked. "Just because we are married now doesn't mean-"

"It changes everything." Rhaenyra snapped and Vaera stumbled into her as she stopped abruptly.

"What do you mean?" vaera countered, her voice soft and small.

"You got to marry for love and I am the heir so I had to marry for duty, you and I are completely different Vaera." Rhaenyra declared. "We dont understand each other-"

"Sure we do, has something happened to Laenor?" Vaera questioned.

"It's always vaera this, vaera that, its all the council talks about!" Rhaenyra shouted.

"I can't control what people say." Vaera countered confused.

"It's all I hear, I dont want to talk about you vaera."

"I didnt say we had to talk about me." Vaera countered, flustered, she didnt understand what she did wrong. Rhaenyra and her had not seen much of each other since Vaera's wedding but Criston was keeping Vaera busy. "I want to hang out, we dont even have to talk, we can go for a ride together." Vaera offered.

"No, you are making my head spin." Rhaenyra corrected marching off. Viserys found Vaera in the hallway staring teary eyed at the end of the hall. He put his hand on her shoulder and she flinched, her gaze snapping to him.

"Baby what happened?" Viserys questioned hugging her.

"Why does Nyra hate me?" Vaera questioned.

"Hate you? No one could ever hate you my sweet girl." Viserys corrected.

"Well she certainly doesnt love me." Vaera countered wiping at her eyes. "Daddy why is the council talking about me? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, baby, no," Viserys assured. "They... they were speaking of your pregnancy, how quickly it is progressing." Viserys admitted.

"Must have been the wedding night." vaera remarked softly her eyes focused on Viserys feet, she didnt like lying to him.

"Must have." Viserys agreed offering her a reassuring smile.

"Criston is going to be a good father." Vaera declared.

"You are going to be the best mother." Viserys added kissing her forehead. "Dont worry about Nyra, she will come around."

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now