22. Sleep

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Babies were fascinating, they depended on someone else for everything, every little thing. Vaera was tired, she was exhausted really. She felt like she was sleep walking through the day.

When Criston came back from training he found her a book open on her chest a leg draped over the back of the couch, and she was slowly tipping off. Another moment and she was sure to fall. Criston adjusted her before picking her up. Vaera yawned blinked back at him as he put her on the bed. 

"Parenting is hard work." Vaera whispered. 

"I got the kids," Criston assured. He was tired and sore from training and being up with the kids but he wasnt being drained, literally drained, they sucked Vaera dry a few times a day. He got up with her most feedings but she didnt want him to get no sleep either. 

Vaera fell back asleep only to hear trumpets and shouting, she thought the castle was under attack. Criston shot up, Caspian- who he had finally gotten down for a nap, woke up and started screaming, then Caera was crying too. 

Vaera started crying herself. She wanted a moment of quiet. 

"I will check it out." Criston assured. 

"Kill the fucker that woke us up." Vaera hissed. 

The king and the council had declared an announcement, Criston wasnt about to kill Vaeras favorite person. 

"Rhaenyra is pregnant." Vaera remarked blandly. A tired smirk crossed her face. "I dont care." She decided. "Rhaenyra doesnt care about me. Why should I give a damn about her and her child?" 

"Because you are better than her." Criston offered. 

"No, I'm trying to be mean." Vaera corrected. 

"You are not mean, little love. You are sweet as can be." Criston corrected kissing her temple. 

"I can be mean." Vaera murmured. Criston chuckled. "Daddy," Vaera declared seeing Viserys. 

"You heard the news?" 

"I did. Please no more horns." Vaera countered. "Criston just got Cas down and I need my sleep." 

"Oh, honey I'm so sorry." Viserys remarked. 

"It's exciting," Vaera added. "Of course it is," she agreed. "But... sleep daddy, sleep." Viserys kissed her forehead. 

"I'm sorry baby girl, yes, you got get some rest and I will tend to the children." 

"I love you for offering for but I have kids currently and you have one arm." Vaera corrected. Viserys chuckled shaking his head. 

"Really? I didnt realize."  Viserys mused. "Go on, spend some time alone with your husband, I can tend to my grandchildren."

Rhaenyra marched down the hall, pompous as ever and Vaera groaned. She was not awake enough for this conversation. 


The lagoon was beautiful. Deep blue waters and a hot spring that radiated warmth. Far enough away and few enough people knew about it so Vaera snuck away with Criston. After dealing with Rhaenyra the Gods knew she needed it.

"What is this place Vaera?" Criston questioned looking around but Vaera let her dress fall to her feet and Criston stared at her.

"Come on." Vaera instructed moving slowly into the water, the waters reflecting her image.

"Yes." Criston said shaking out his daze pulling at his pants. The warm water soothed his muscles as he sank down next to her his clothes discarded.

"Come here." Vaera whispered as he sat down on one of the boulders under the water wrapping his hands around her hips. Her lips met his, her hands wrapping around his neck as she arched into him.

"Gods Vaera.' He moaned and she felt him hardening under her. He grabbed her ass and lifted it, lining her up under the water. He rammed himself inside of her the water and wet warmth adding to the pleasure and the pain of it all. Vaera moaned into him. Criston grasped her thighs, watching where his cock disappeared inside of her as they created waves splashing around them.

His hands went to her nipples, and his gentle touch was all that Vaera needed to fly over the precipice once more.

"Fuck," he cried out and then it was just her name, "Vaera, Vaera, agh, Vee!" As he joined her in oblivion. They sat there panting together, her head tipped back wetting her hair as she looked back up at him water droplets dripped down her face. She felt his cock, twitch inside of her. Her hands massaged into his shoulders as he came down.

"I love you." Vaera whispered kissing him again.

On his next thrust he engaged the tip into her opening and impaled her with such desperate force that the moment her tight muscles gripped him he released. He continued pumping his hips into her as she milked his orgasm. He dragged his tongue along her, while massaging her clit.

"Oh Gods ... I need you," she groaned as she came apart under his touch. Her body sagged into his hold and he relished the fleeting moment of vulnerability—surrender.

That was all it took. He only had to stroke her for a few brief seconds before she climaxed, her whole body shaking against him as the breath exploded out of her lungs and white hot waves of pleasure crashed down on her, leaving her panting and trembling in his arms.

He held her to his chest and stroked her wet hair. Vaera leaned back against him the waves of the lagoon settling around them. He wrapped his arms around her.

 "I love you. I have loved you for forever." Vaera remarked. 

"I love you. Forever and ever, Vaera." Criston promised. "I'm always going to be here for you and kids. Nothing could keep me away."


"I promise, I'm always going to be right here," he kissed along her neck. 

"Right here?" 

"With my lips on every inch of you." Criston agreed.  

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now