38. Severe Understatement

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To say that Aegon was unhappy with Vaera having another child that wasnt his would be a severe understatement but she was back home in the capital again so, he weighed out his odds at the next one being his.

"Your children have grown so beautifully." Larys remarked.

"Oh thank you. They are the light of my life." She beamed back at them as they ran around.

"And this is your newest one that the king hasnt stopped boosting about." Larys realized. "He tells everyone in ear shot about little Viserys jr." Vaeras heart felt so happy. She knew she was the favorite and that was another reason why rhaenyra was mad at her.  Rhaenyra got to be the heir but vaera had all their fathers love.

"Yes. Vizzy, hes a little snuggle bug." Vaera agreed "and he doesnt like to sleep at night. Keeps us up at all hours the stinker and sleeps so peacefully in my arms in the day. I thought twins were difficult. They always walk each other up one after the other but no, he just doesn't like to sleep at all."

"Well you have raised four wonderful children im sure vizzy will be just as wonderful." Larys offered.

"Thank you oh and larys," vaera took a step forward. "I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?" He countered confused.

"Because of you I felt brave enough to leave."

"Oh no dont tell your father im the reason you left. I will be flogged." He countered leaning back on his cane.

"No its a good thing. I was losing myself here. I had become so worried about what everyone else thought trying to please everyone else and be friends with everyone that I wasn't happy. So leaving going to dragon stone made me happy. I found myself again. I got to explore and be wild and free and I didn't have to be the princess. I just got to be me. I wasn't trying to live up to anyone else's expectations. So thank you."

"Well you are very welcome then."

"Well who is this!" Harwin declared. Vaera forgot how much she missed her cookie knight. 

"This is vaera targaryen, the woman I'm desperately trying to make fall in love with me." Aegon declared. Criston slapped a hand to his forehead. Vaera chuckled running a hand over aegons head. 

"I think he meant Vizzy." Vaera countered. "I know Harwin." 

"Oh," Aegon agreed. "That makes more sense." 

"Hi Princess." Harwin hugged her gently and kissed her temple. "I missed you." 

"I missed you too, its strange being back but a good strange, but then again I havent seen Rhaenyra yet so maybe that statement will change." Vaera offered. "I saw your brother, he looks well. How is your father?"

"He is good,  you saw larys?" Harwin countered. 

"Yes." Vaera agreed. "Is... something wrong with that?"

"No." Harwin corrected quickly. "You can talk to whomever you please, just surprised you saw him before me." 

"It was by luck, dont be offended ser." Vaera purred.  Harwin smiled that charming smile that had Vaera crushing on him when she was younger. He was her first real knight and he doted on her. She was a child and he was like a brother, more than just a protector. But that was very Targaryen of her to have a crush on her brother like figure. But that was in the past, she loved Criston more than anything. 

"I should be getting Vizzy down for a nap." Vaera added. "I'm quite tired myself from the journey, but we will catch up later." Vaera requested kissing his cheek. 

"I would like that." harwin agreed, he gave criston a tight hand shake before they headed off. 

"Do you need anything vaera?" Aegon questioned. 

"Cookies and milk please." Vaera answered. Aegon ran off saying she could count on him. Criston tugged off his sweaty shirt tossing it aside, it was strange being back but being with Vaera and the kids everything felt right. Vaera passed off Vizzy to Criston and he barred the door as Vaera shifted her dress down. Vizzy bounced in Criston's arms eager for his meal as well. 

"Should I tell Aegon no milk?" Criston teased as he passed back off Vizzy. Vizzy slapped at Criston's shirtless chest and tried to suckle. "Not gonna happen, little angel." He moved Vizzy away with a laugh. "I don't have the right equipment," he added, handing him over to Vaera's waiting arms. Each time she breastfed any of their children, Criston watched like nothing had ever fascinated him more. 

And maybe nothing had? When you think about it, it's truly a miracle the things the female bodies are capable of. Aegon knocked on the door and criston thanked him taking the plate and glass. Aegon objected quickly that he wanted to hand deliver it to vaera but Criston said she was occupied. Aegon countered shouting back at him. 

"Then why are you allowed in?" 

"I'm her husband!" Criston reminded him. Criston always seemed to have to keep reminding Aegon that. 

Vizzy eventually fell asleep, his little head pressed against Vaera's breast, and Criston told Vaera he'd take Vizzy so she didn't have to get up. He scooped her carefully from Vaera's arms, Vizzy's head supported just right as he laid Vizzy down gently in his bassinette.

Then Criston moved back to Vaera and handed off the cookies. 

"You are perfect."

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now