27. Always Love You More

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Love Story / Viserys Targaryen / Alicent Hightower / POLY out now!
Lonesome / Sandor Clegane out now!

Aegon did not listen to his mother.

Vaera said goodbye to Viserys, promised she would write all the time and they would be back soon... ish.

They carriage was packed, the children were packed, Vaera kissed Jace, Aemond and Helaena again but Aegon was nowhere in sight.

"Tell Aegon-"

"I'm sure he is just upset you are leaving." viserys remarked.  Vaera wanted to fly but with four kids it was going to be a pain in the butt. So they were taking the journey to the shore and then up the coast a ship would be waiting for them.

"Give him a big hug and kiss for me." Vaera instructed.

"I will, go on now my dear, have fun. If you are feeling brave go up to dragons mott." Viserys remarked. "We have Laela up there now mining for eggs."

"She is a dragon trainer I had when I was little." vaera told Criston.

"You still are my little Vaera." Viserys corrected hugging her again. "Be safe my love."

Vaera stared up at Calypso, her dragon as she flew above them. Criston wrapped an arm around her little Rona sat leaning back against her stomach trying to grab her own toes.

"Caly!" Caspian and Caera called waving up at Calypso. "Mama?"

"She can't hear you down here little loves." Vaera cooed.

"We have to be, louder!" Caspian decided, Caera nodded in agreement. Criston couldn't understand their little babbling language but the twins understood.

"CALY!" They shouted.

Vaera laughed out leaning into criston. Rona and AJ blinked back at their siblings. Confusion filling them. They babbled having a very in depth conversation siddenly as the eldest two shouted out to the sky.

When they stopped for the night getting to the shores. Vaera saved to the crew that would sail them up to dragonstone. Criston heard rustling from their luggage. He opened the trunk to find Aegon, he gasped for breath.

"About damn time!" Aegon shouted. "You know how long I was in there for?"

"Aegon!" Criston declared. Vaera shifted Rona in her arms peering out.

"Aegon?" Vaera questioned.

"Hey, I'm starving!" Aegon declared. "And I really have to pee."

"What are you doing honey?" Vaera questioned, he jumped down and moved to the bushes pulling out his little cock.

"One moment my beloved!" Aegon declared, Caspian giggled out.

"He's peeing." Caspian whispered.

"I see that." Vaera agreed. Aegon turned to them as he tucked himself back in.

"I'm starving." Aegon declared.

"Baby what are you doing here?' Vaera questioned touching his cheek. "Alicent is probably worried sick about you!" Vaera declared.

"Nah, I left a note and said I'm running away." Aegon corrected. "Caera, you got food?" She ran back to the carriage and pulled out an apple holding it out for him. "Thanks gorgeous."

"little smoozer." Criston whispered. "Flirting with the mother and the daughter." Vaera swatted a hand at him.

"Aegon we have to bring you back-" Vaera decided.

"No!" Aegon begged. "Vaera dont do that! Dont you love me?"

Vaera had a hard time saying no to those little eyes.


"Vaera baby please!" Aegon begged. "I will help with the kids. You wont even notice me. Or criston can deal with the kids and we can have some much needed alone time-"

"Aegon." Criston grumbled.

"Alright." Vaera agreed.

"Really!" Aegon declared hugging her.

"Really?" Criston countered.

"This will be fun." vaera agreed as they got the shop loaded. Calypso seemed to know where they were going and kept on flying. "Caera. Cas. Hold tight to aegons hand while we get on the ship." Caera ran to aegon smiling up at him. Aegon attempted a wink down at her.

Criston rolled his eyes letting out a long breath. He nudged vaera forward as he grabbed the last bag.

"You are going to love dragonstone." Vaera assured criston.

"Love it a lot more if we were leaving your admirer here." Criston countered. He offered her a hand as they got on the ship.

"Its going to be great." Vaera assured. "Let me just put the kids to bed." Vaera nodded to a sleepy Rona in her arms.

"I will keep an eye on aegon." Criston agreed. But caera ran up clinging to cristons legs.

"Daddy read me a story." Caera begged.

"You get littles. I get littles." Criston decided.

"Love the teamwork." Vaera agreed. The ship sailed off and the waves lulled the kids to sleep. Aegon was snoring loudly a roll of bread hanging out of his mouth as he almost rolled off the cot.

Vaera lay beside criston and although he wasnt happy with aegon being here he was happy for this change with vaera. Excited to see where dragonstone led them.

"Im sorry about aegon."

"Its okay Vaera." Criston assured. "I know you love him. Its okay that you do. As long as you love me more." Vaera chuckled.

"Always love you more."

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now