51. Blasted Place

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Viserys had been requested Vaera sit in on council meetings she wasnt sure why but she agreed. Criston seemed to be getting more out of the meetings than Vaera. But she was glad to be included. Vaera tipped her head into Criston, he ran a hand over her thigh pulling her closer, Viserys loved that look of love in vaeras eyes as she looked at Criston. 

''It is Lord Blackwood's contention, therefore, that the Brackens moved the boundary stones in the dead of the night and put their horses to graze in his field.'' Lyonel declared.

''Why was this issue not brought before Lord Grover? Has he grown so feeble he cannot settle a quarrel over rocks?'' Alicent countered

''I've heard tale that Lord Grover's son now rules Riverrun in all but name.'' Jasper wylde remarked

''Well, he is also a Tully and this remains a Tully problem.'' Alicent told them all.

''I would agree." Viserys agreed.

"Are we done? Time for cookies?" Vaera whispered, Criston chuckled shaking his head. She sighed leaning back into him. 

''If we may move on, my lords...''

''And yet, the Brackens and the Blackwoods will use any excuse to spill each other's blood. So... this dispute bears looking into. There will be country folk who know where the lines have been drawn for generations.''

Criston liked council meetings, his house before he came to the capital was small and unheard of. So the fact that he was sitting in on council meetings for the king, that he was a part of making history baffled him. 

''That is easy enough.'' Lyonel agreed ''Of course. Ser Tyland.'' Tyland cleared his throat looking around the table.

''Uh, we should address the latest developments in the Stepstones, my lords." Tyland said with a sigh.

''Will we ever be done of that blasted place?'' Viserys murmured.

Vaera looked to Vizzy in Viserys lap. He was tugging on Viserys shirt, the tasseled strings were a very fun toy, Vizzy smiled back at Vaera waving with one hand while the other tugged on the string. 

''If you ask me, I think the Blackwoods have the upper hand.''

''No. We've moved on to the Stepstones, Lord Beesbury.'' Alicent told them

''And the Triarchy's new alliance with Dorne.'' Tyland went on louder.

''I was hoping our negotiations with Sunspear might persuade them to see reason.'' Viserys said with a cough ''To trust a Martell is to be disappointed.'' Vaera cleared her throat nodding to criston. 

"I am of dornish descent." Criston agreed. "I could see if I can be persuasive." 

"Well wonderful!" Viserys agreed. Vaera smiled back at Criston, he kissed her cheek and Rhaenyra rolled her eyes. It wasnt that she wasnt happy for her sister but she was also annoyed that Vaera got to have everything always.

''And where, I wonder, is our Prince Daemon? Or I suppose I should call him King, as he styled himself when he won a battle there... once.'' Jasper offered. Vaera hadnt thought about Daemon in a long while, but now that his name was said she realized how much she missed him.

''That was a decade ago and he has since left the region undefended. '' Alicent reminded them.

''We have left it undefended. There should've been fortifications built, watchtowers, a fleet of ships, a garrison of soldiers sent to hold our ground.'' Rhaenyra countered, Alicent loved to push her buttons.

''We cannot afford it." Alicent corrected ''Our coffers are great, but not infinite. We must consider the cost to our subjects.'' Vaera hated to agree with ALicent but she did. A good queen- which was still up for debate with Alicent- but a good queen wouldnt make her people suffer, wouldnt take more than they can handle. Just because they were given everything didnt mean that others were not suffering. It was a strange thing to think of. Something Vaera should really be thinking of more, helping others that had less than her. 

''I must agree." Viserys remarked, Vaera gave rhaenyra a pitiful look but she wasnt ready to give up. 

''The cost of war is greater.'' Rhaenyra countered ''But we have been lax and the old monster now lifts its head." she demanded. 

''Let us be finished.'' Alicent demanded

''Yes.'' Viserys agreed with a sigh. Vaera reached out for VIzzy. Vizzy snuggled into her immediately. 

"You want supper? You hungry my love?" Vaera cooed. Vizzy nodded.  

''Wait. I wish to speak.'' Rhaenyra declared

''Be seated.'' Viserys agreed softly.

"After this." Vaera whispered kissing Vizzys head. 

''I have felt the... strife... between our families of late, my Queen. And for any offense given by mine, I apologize.'' Rhaenyra began as she stared over at Alicent. ''But we are one house. And long before that, we were friends.'' Rhaenyra offered. ''My son Jacaerys will inherit the Iron Throne after me. I propose we betroth him to your daughter, Helaena."

"Ally ourselves... once and for all.'' Viserys smiled happily but Alicent was not pleased. ''Let them rule together.''

''A most judicious proposition.'' Viserys agreed. Criston noticed Alicent's pinched brow but she tried to maintain her composure. 

''Additionally, if Syrax brings forth another clutch of eggs, your son Aemond will have his choice of them, uh... a symbol of our goodwill.'' Rhaenyra went on, that was Vaera's idea. She adored Aemond and Helaena and even Aegon. Rhaenyra didn't know why but she loved them all. Protected them, mothered them. Even when Vaera had children of her own she always made sure their new siblings were taken care of. She said if Rhaenyra was going to offer this up, give something of use to Aemond too. 

''Rhaenyra.'' Alicent said as her breasts started to leak.

''Oh, Seven Hells, um.'' Rhaenyra said sitting down.

"I dont miss that." Vaera agreed. 

''My dear... a dragon's egg is a handsome gift.'' Viserys agreed.

''The King and I thank you for your offer and we will consider it duly.'' Alicent said stiffly. ' 'You must rest now, husband.''

''Yes.'' Viserys agreed as Alicent helped him up.

"Cookies?" Vizzy whispered. Criston laughed picking him up as Vaera got up. 

"Your son." 

''How sweetly the fox speaks when it's been cornered by the hounds.'' Alicent hissed as they walked

''She is sincere.'' Viserys corrected

''She is desperate. She feels the earth washing away beneath her feet and now she expects us to ignore her transgressions and for me to marry my only daughter to one of her... plain-featured sons.''

''The proposal is a good one, my Queen.'' Viserys assured ''We're a family. Let us put aside these childish quarrels. Join hands and be stronger for it.'' Viserys knew of Alicent's hatred for his daughters but he didn't understand it. Rhaenyra and Vaera were doing their part and bringing strong and healthy children into the world.

''You may do as you wish, husband... when I am cold in my grave.'' 

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now