34. Better Than Daddy

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Delicate / Jaime Lannister out now!

There was a storm on dragonstone. The wind whipped around outside. The rain pelted the roof in a delicate pitter patter.

Vaera woke up snuggled into Criston, she loved these mornings. The kids were old enough now that they didnt wake up in the middle of the night, or too early. They were able to get dressed and roam to the kitchens for breaking their fasts if they didnt want to wait for Vaera and Criston.

Vaera liked storms. Gentle storms. Not storms that scared the children. But the storms that made everyone stay inside and snuggled up by the fire. Rainy days were meant for warm tea. Warm sweaters. Long slow kisses.

Vaera breathed in the silence as she dragged a hand down cristons chest. She couldn't imagine life without him and was glad she hopefully never had to.

But today their silence was interrupted by laughter. Vaera's eyes opened slowly, a smile spread across her face when she heard her father telling the kids a story.

"You do the voice better than daddy." Caera was saying and Criston pushed the covers off and pulled on some pants before marching down the hall.

"Criston!" Vaera laughed out. He turned to her pointing a finger back at her wordlessly.

"No." He countered before marching out, vaera quickly pulled on her robe and chased after him.

"Well thank you caera. You know your mother loved my funny voices too."

"You told mama theses stories?" Caspian questioned

"Of course! And so much more. I have all the stories for you." Viserys cleared his throat as criston came in.

"Better than daddy?" Criston demanded. Caera laughed out hiding under the covers. "No no no little miss. Say it to daddys face." He pulled her ankles and she laughed out. "Better than daddy?"

"Daddy!" Caera declared, still giggling. Vaera smiled sitting beside Viserys. 

"Oh no, the competition has begun." Vaera whispered. 

"Oh vaera I missed this so much!" Viserys declared. 

"Me too." Vaera agreed. SHe hadnt realized how much she missed it until she had her father back. She loved having him closer and dreaded the day he would need to go home. 

Her father was her favorite person in the world and she was able to convince herself that she didnt need to be in the capital that she was happy in dragonstone and she was happy. But... she loved her father, she loved how much she doted on her children. She felt a sudden ache in her chest at the thought of him leaving.

"Vaera, baby, whats wrong?" Viserys questioned. Vaera shook her head, tears fell down her face, Criston's smile fell as well, moving to her, dropping to his knees before her. 

"Vaera what happened?" Criston questioned urgently. 

"I'm just so happy." She whimpered grabbing Viserys hand. "i'm so happy and I dont want you to ever leave." she couldnt control her sobs. "I'm sorry-"

"Oh Vaera," Viserys cooed hugging her. "My sweet baby girl-"

"Daddy I missed you."

"I missed my Vaera. My little cookie monster." Viserys whispered kissing her temple. 

Vaera savored every meal, every story time, every breath that her father drew in dragonstone. 

Viserys loved Criston too. He loved how good he was to vaera, how he doted on her. what a good father he was too. Viserys knew every day that he saw Vaeras smile aimed at criston that he did the right thing in agreeing for them to be wed. He gave Rhaenyra the chance to find love and she blew it. Vaera found love and she didnt blow it. She chased after love and commanded her father to agree, begging him that she wouldnt be happy unless it was criston. He hoped it wasnt just lust but it was love then and it was still love. 

Thats what viserys wanted for his girls, love, happiness, everything he had with Aemma and so much more, he hoped they got a love story that lasted the ages until they were old and grey. Vaera deserved that. 

Viserys hated to leave her. He loved being with Vaera, there was peace here, no shouting, no bitterness, only love.

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now