31. Reserved

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Vaera woke up exhausted. She loved Criston she loved how he used her beautifully.

"Morning," vaera whispered.

"Hey baby," he answered kissing her shoulder then he saw her back. "Oh shit Vee." Criston pushed the blanket down. "Your back."


"Oh God," criston touched her bruised back. "I hurt you."

"It was fun," vaera assured.

"Let me get you cleaned up." Criston looked to the desk and remembered last night. He got rough but vaera liked it. She smiled back at him.

"Thats a nice ass hubby," vaera said. Criston smirked back at her.

"Sit up," criston requested she let the sheets fall around her waist. He scanned her for more injuries from their rough night.

Criston was a man with a big appetite, and he liked that his woman who could handle both sides of him—the one that tortured with soft touches and teasing kisses and the one that gripped so hard he left bruises as he fucked her into next week. He liked his woman wouldn't cave to him throughout the day, only to kneel and beg him for release later that night.

Vaera relaxed into Criston when Caspian ran in. Criston wrapped his arms around Vaeras naked frame.


"Hey baby." Vaera answered. Caspian pulled himself up with a grunt and groan fisting the blankets until vaera gave him a boost.

"Im three."

"Yes." Vaera agreed as he crawled into her lap.

"When I get big little daddy?" Caspian questioned.

"Yes that was my thought many times first thing in the morning." Vaera agreed. "You are only three. Stay mamas little boy a while longer." Vaera begged kissing him. She could already tell Caspian was going to be gorgeous like criston one day. He had the cutest little face and the biggest smile. While caera was still a mini vaera in the making. She came in with a half eaten cookie hanging out her mouth. Criston chuckled as she put the cookie on the bed and yanked herself up too before grabbing her cookie as she rolled over to cristons side of the bed and promptly stuck the remaining cookie in her mouth.

"Hi daddy." She mumbled.

Vaera settled back into Criston, she loved Criston's darker side, his possessive side. Loved his tender loving side just as much. How he could control and possess her body and then kiss her bruises better. He always looked so forlorn when he got rough with her, she didnt want to think herself a delicate feather, she liked when his hands gripped her, liked when he pounded into her. Liked that he left an ache in her that only he knew how to satisfy and create. 

Criston loved his Vaera. His girl. She smiled up at him as the twins babbled and grumbled to each other in their own special language. Criston leaned over kissing Vaera gently but she eagerly deepened the kiss wrapping a hand around his neck holding him to her. 

"KISS!" Caera shouted. She puckered her lips to her parents and Vaera and Cristons lips parted moving down to kiss her little face. Caspian was about to demand kisses himself but Vaera peppered his face with kisses as well. 

Criston pulled vaera back into him shifting the kids on the bed putting them between Vaeras legs, Criston pulled up the blankets and sheets, tucking them in, not like the twins hadnt seen vaera naked, hadnt bathed with her and suckled from her, but they were older now and didnt need to drink from her. Didnt need that extra added protection as to not drown in the bath. Vaera liked that Criston cared about her modesty, even if it was just with their children. She liked that he cared who saw more of her, all of her. All of her was reserved for Criston and Criston alone. 

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now