33. Caramel

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When Lucerys was born, Vaera didnt go home, she visited her father, returning Aegon every time he made the trek back without being seen. 

He was good at running off. Vaera was good at returning him eventually. It was a good excuse to see her father. She always brought one of the kids and Viserys declared time and time again that Caera was a mini Vaera, always marching around with a cookie in her mouth but Aemma and Rona were very much the same. Three more vaeras, Viserys dream come true. His perfect baby girl duplicated. 

What was not part of his dream come true was losing his baby girl, over and over again. He hated that she kept leaving but he understood, Rhaenyra and alicent were constantly giving backhanded remarked and snide comments, their bitterness bleeding through the capital like poison. 

Luke and JAce waved at Vaera, only getting to know her for a few days at a time. Aegon knew Vaera the most, Helaena and Aemond wished they got to have a similar connection with Vaera, they saw how Aegon felt so loved when he was with her. Wondered what it would be like to have vaera as a mother too. 

But if you asked Aegon, it was not a mother son relationship. He was still going to marry Vaera one day, lets just get that clear right now. 

Vaera kissed Aemond's cheek hugging him closer as Aegon slumped off annoyed yet again at being returned. 

"You have grown so much." Vaera remarked. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long." 

"When are you coming back for good?" 

That was always the question and vaera didnt have an answer. As the years passed, Dragonstone became home. She missed her father but her children and husband kept her busy. 

Viserys held tight to Vaera, asking her to steal him away too. Vaera almost thought he was joking but she looked to the bag beside him. 

"Lyonel can handle things for a bit. I need a break from Alicent and your sister." Viserys begged. 

"Lets go then." Vaera squealed grabbing his bag and helping him onto Calypso. Viserys missed flying, he hadnt flown for long but it was in his blood. He loved how he got to see the world from Vaera's eyes. 

"Oh father you will never believe it but on the twins fourth name day their eyes changed colors! Like magic!" Vaera declared through the wind whipping around them. 

"Changed colors?" Viserys leaned in closer to hear. 

"Yes!" She agreed turning her head as Calypso twirled around knowing the way to go. "They were the darkest violet and then they started getting flecks of caramel browns and now Rona has brown eyes! It's crazy- so beautiful! Just like Criston. And AJ has speckled caramel brown eyes, so enchanting." Vaera declared. 

"I can't believe they are five already." 

"I know, the time just flew!" Vaera agreed. "Just like this trip, I love flying."

"It's a lot faster than the alternative." Viserys agreed. 

When they landed Criston hoped for some alone time with Vaera, it seemed like Aegon was jumping on a ship as soon as Vaera got him back home but Criston saw to figures on the dragon. At least this man wasnt trying to steal his wife and possibly murder him in his sleep. 

"Your grace." Criston remarked. 

"Ah Criston!" Viserys hugged him happily. Criston was surprised at the action and tensed before hugging him back. "I missed my Vaera's and mini Vaera's. I hope you dont mind."

"NOt at all." Criston assured.  Vaera cleared her throat tipping her lips up to Criston. "Excuse me" He agreed moving to vaera and kissing her. 

"Much better." Vaera agreed. 

"Grandpa!" Caspian declared running forward. Viserys smiled reaching out for him. 

"And my mini Daemon from the look of it." Viserys half mused. Caspian and Caera were tall and lean at seven. Caspian had a mischievous smile, Vaera and Criston knew all too well and Caera chased after her twin constantly, a laugh on her lips. Her little smile was contagious.

"You think?" Vaera questioned. "When was the last time you saw uncle Daemon?"

"Oh... welll..." Viserys thought on that as AJ and Rona came out barreling into Criston. "Ohhh look at you two! I missed you all so much!" Viserys declared hugging them. "OH Criston, get my bag!" Viserys instructed waving a hand back. Criston looked hesitantly to Calypso. 

"i'm going to climb you now." Criston warned moving to the saddle bag. 

"You brought presents?" Caera questioned. 

"Cookies?" AJ shouted. 

"Your daughter." Viserys chuckled. 

"Cookies fix everything." Vaera agreed. 

"Dont look at me like that." Criston demanded Calypso. "Stop it! I mean it! I- got it" he jumped down. "I always feel like he is going to eat me." He grumbled. 

"Calypso wouldnt do that." Vaera assured. 

"Alright lets see what I got in here for you." Viserys reached into his bag and the kids piled around eager for a gift. 

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now