32. Trouble

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Caspian dropped to the ground, maybe it was more of a flop. Criston stared down at him. 

"What are you doing?"

"Pick me up!" Caspian declared. "I'm so tired!" Criston rolled his eyes. 

"Come on. You can walk like a big kid." criston countered. Caspian lay there a long while just staring up at him. 

"MY legs are broken!" Caspian decided. He grabbed his leg. "OW!" Criston shook his head. 

"You are not broken." Criston corrected. 

"Says you!" Caspian countered. 

"Terrible twos coming a bit late." Criston murmured considering the twins were 3 now and had been the sweetest and most wonderful, they were not turning into trouble, Criston blamed Aegon for that. 

"WHAT?" Caspian shouted. 

"Come on. Up you get. I have Rona, I can't carry you." Criston could carry them both and Caspian knew it but Criston didnt budge. Rona stared down at Caspian and Caspian just stared but up at them unmoving. "Fine we will wait for you." Criston agreed. 

Caspian decided he liked the ground, you could see so much from the ground, he never looked up at the ceiling before, it was interesting. Criston yawned shifting Rona in his arms. Caspian looked to Criston seeing if he was giving in. He wasnt. So Caspian started making snow angels on the hard wood floor and then after a minute or so he started rolling around. Criston sighed. 

"Okay im leaving." Criston decided and Started walking off so caspian jumped up Chasing after him. "Oh your legs are not broken?" Criston mused. 

"They healed. You left me there forever." Caspian agreed. 

"Drama king." Criston countered. 

"I'm not king thats grandpa." Caspian corrected. 

"Thats right and both grandpa and mama would be really mad if you broke your legs." 

"They werent really broken." Caspian admitted. 

"You dont say?" 

"I do say... I'm sorry." 

"Thank you for telling me the truth." Criston added. "now I have to get Rona and Aemma in the bath. Go on, find mama." Caspian ran off. 


Criston had a wonderful voice. He didnt sing publicly, only in the bath and to the kids. Vaera loved his voice. Vaera leaned against the doorframe as he sung a song to Rona and Aemma. Aemma smiled up at him reaching out for him while Rona drifted off.

Vaera heard the creek of the floorboards behind her and turned around.


"Oh shoot." Aegon whispered.

"She saw us." Caspian agreed.

"Aegon what you are doing out of bed?" Vaera questioned squinting in the darkness.

"It's Aegons fault!" Caera declared. 

"Caera? I put you two to bed already." Vaera corrected marching down the hall. 

"RUN!" Caspian declared. 

"What are you up to? Aegon!" Vaera demanded chasing after them. She scooped up Caera, who grumbled immensely. "Sorry you little like me."

"Darn little legs." Caera grumbled. 

"What are you three up to?" Vaera questioned. 

"Nothing!" Caera answered kissing Vaeras cheek. 


"Mama." She countered giggling into her. 

"Alright can I play this game you are playing?" Vaera questioned. 

"It's not a game mama." Caera countered. 

"What is it?" Vaera pondered. 

"Aegon is helping us hatch our dragons." Caera answered. 

"Helping how?" Vaera demanded. They ran outside and Vaera shrieked. Caspian stumbled back running to Vaera. Aegon dropped the egg his eyes darting to Vaera. 

'MAMA!" Caspian shouted tugging her dress. "What's wrong?" Vaera waited until Aegon was beside her. 

"What are you doing?" Vaera demanded slowly. "Aegon." She hissed. 

"Well you see I was just helping-"

"Dragon eggs hatch at their own time there is no speeding it up." Vaera reminded him. 

"Yeah but they wanted their dragons." Aegon countered. "And I want a dragon too... come on no one was going to get hurt." 

"What were you planning on doing with that egg?" Vaera countered. 

"Dropping it from the cliffside and hoping it cracked open." Aegon admitted. 

"NO!" Vaera shouted. "You would hurt the dragon within. There is no dropping dragon eggs, you stick it on the fire, you dont touch it." Vaera demanded. "It's late you could get hurt, you drop that egg and you all could get hurt going down to try and grab it, do you understand me!" Vaeras voice boomed and Aegon had never seen her so angry. 

"Sorry mama." Caspian agreed. "It was Aegons idea, I didnt want to do it." he added quickly. 

"Me either!" Caera agreed. "Dont hate me mama!" 

"I dont... I could never hate you." Vaera assured. "I'm just so disappointed. Time for bed. You all are grounded." She pointed a finger at the castle and they slumped off. "Aegon." She scolded. He couldnt look at her. "What were you thinking?" 

"I'm... I'm really sorry. I just saw Laela with the dragons and Calypso flying and I wanted a dragon too." Aegon whispered. "I thought i could help Cas and Caera get theirs. I didnt mean any harm." Aegon assured. 

"I know you didnt but you also knew it wasnt right because you were sneaking out, past bed time, without me or criston but our two children." Vaera said slowly. 

"I'm really sorry." Aegon repeated. "I love you Vaera. I wont do anything like that again. I promise." He hugged her, locking his arms around her. "Do you still love me?" 

"Of course I love you."

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now