25. Hurt

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New Years Day / Roy Kent out now!

"Baby girl whats wrong?" Viserys questioned when Vaera climbed into his bed hiding under the covers. "Vaera love?" he pulled the covers back to see her sad little face, a pout on her lips.

"Oh my love, whats wrong Vaera?" Viserys cooed reaching for her.

"Nyra still hates me. Alicent hates me. I have four children, no friends except Criston but does he count? He's my husband. Harwin used to be my friend but since Rhaenyra and him...." she stopped her self but Viserys knew. "he's been distant too."

"I wish I could make everyone love you Vaera, I wish i could give you the world." Viserys declared.

"I... I just wish things could go back to how they were."

"Do you though?" Viserys countered "Before your children? Before your husband who I know you love dearly."

"I want to keep that but go back to when everyone else loved me." Vaera admitted.

"Oh sweetie." Viserys whispered kissing her temple. "Aemma is the cutest little thing. Rona too. You make such beautiful children Vaera." She smiled softly back at him. "You know when rhaenyra was born i wasn't prepared to be a father. When you came along i got the hang of it. But you were always good with your younger siblings. Always doted on them. Always knew what to say and do..."

"And now I dont." Vaera agreed.

"No. Now you need to let fate play its hand. You keep being your wonderful self. Rhaenyra will come around," viserys assured. "You are sisters. You stick together."

"You kicked uncle daemon out more times than any of us can count." Vaera countered.

"And i let him back in just as many."

"So im you in this situation. And Nyra is uncle daemon?" Vaera realized. "She keeps messing up and i keep forgiving her even though she doesn't deserve it." Viserys debated that. "She doesnt show remorse for her actions. She does as she pleases because she knows the world will be hers one day so who cares if shes mean to little ole me along the way. Once she is on top she will need no one," vaera decided.

"Oh my love you really think that?"

"I know it." Vaera countered. "I love you daddy but nyra isnt nyra anymore. She hasnt been for a long while." Vaera got up and fixed her dress "excuse me father, im leaking." Vaera remarked calmly before she crossed her arms over her chest and headed out.

Viserys thought on their talk for the rest of the day. Was rhaenyra turning into daemon? She was heir. She was pompous and mean. She broke the rules and viserys protected her.

Daemon had wanted to be heir. He was pompous and arrogant. He broke the rules and viserys protected him.

Gods. Viserys tipped his head back as the council droned on. Had he created a monster naming rhaenyra heir?

"You have a good talk with your father little love?" Criston questioned. Vaera smiled back at him in all his shirtless glory. A baby cradled to his chest. He was perfect. "Vaera?"

"Your handsomeness is distracting." Vaera informed him. He smiled down at her.

"Rona likes skin to skin. Its the only way i can soothe her," criston remarked as he bounced lightly on the balls of his feet swaying ever so slightly as well.

"I like it. Its soothing me too." Vaera assured. She moved to him kissing his cheek. He smiled down at her.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. I had a good talk with my father. I am to be the bigger person. But i cant do that here with everyone giving me condescending glares."

"What do you want to do?"

"Feed AJ." Vaera offered moving to Aemma. "My breasts hurt."

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now