39. Rawr

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"Talk it out, work it out, hug it out." Vaera declared. Rhaenyra stared back at her. "Mother used to make us do that. Do you remember?" Rhaenyra nodded. "We havent been doing a good job of talking it out, working it out... really bad at hugging it out."

Rhaenyra nodded taking a seat across from vaera on the couches.

"I left because the capital no longer felt like home. It felt more like a Battlefield where I was trying to please everyone and failing immensely.  Why did you hate me so much? What did I do?"

"You know vaera well you were gone I had a lot of time to think too. I wasn't.-" her voice faltered before she met her sisters eyes. "Vaera I wasn't mad at you I mean I was I wasn't your fault. I see that now. I'm so sorry I pushed you away. I just wanted.... You got the perfect life. You got the husband that you love so much. You got the children that the legitimacy of will never put to question."

"Oh nyra-"

" you got everything because you asked for it. Father gave me a choice, but I was foolish enough to blow it. I could've had any Man of mine choosing, but I didn't want a man. I should've seen it coming. I should've known that being the heir I would be forced to marry eventually. That I should've taken things more seriously when I had the chance."

"Im sor-"

" it's not your fault vaera. You don't have to keep apologizing for things that are my fault. You remember doing that when we were little? You were always the apologist. But it was me that was the one getting us in trouble. I always blamed you because our parents loved you more. Don't you try to deny it. You know they do. And I have come to terms with that. Because it's not your fault. And I'm sorry I wasted so much time being mad at you when we could've been the best of friends."

"You mean it?" Vaera reached a hand out for her sister.

" yes, of course I do you dummy. We are sisters. We talk it out. We work it out. We hug it out.  I don't know if I want to go that long being mad at you again" Rhaenyra declared. "Vaera will you forgive me for acting so childishly?" Vaera jumped up and hugged rhaenyra tight.

" I am so glad to have my sister back. I have so much to tell you."

" I see you work things out with your sister." Criston remarked. Vaera nodded as she tucked vizzy in wrapping him up. Vizzy had black hair with silever streaks and had cristons beautiful brown eyes. She stroked his head kissing his head and tucking in his little toes.

The decision to come back to the capital was not taken lightly. They had a life back at dragon stone. The kids are grown up there. But vaera wanted them to know their cousins. No there aunts and uncles. Wanted them to be able to spend more time with their grandfather.

Vaera And criston spoke about the possibility of moving for the majority of her pregnancy. They went back-and-forth about it for moons.

After she birthed a little boy into the world, named him after her father. Vaeras Most favorite man in the world after criston. She knew with complete certainty that little vizzy, Aj and Rona, Caspian and Caera needed to be at the capital. They needed to make amends and start fresh.

So the fact that  Rhaenyra apologized and things were starting to look normal again. Better than normal actually. What had become normal Was the reason why she left in the first place. This was better than normal. This was a beautiful fresh start.

The children were getting along so great   Aj and Rona befriended jace and luke quickly. Caera whom vaera thought might have a crush on aegon changed her mind the more time she soent with aemond. Aemond was the same age as them and he was a little charmer.

Caspian liked training with the other dragons. Aslan was a smart dragon. Sirius was a good listener. But rona and aj saw all the dragons and their training and got agitated about their own eggs not hatching.

" don't try to crack it mother got us trying to do that and it ended badly." Caspian warned when he got his little sister, staring at their eggs.

" I wasn't thinking about cracking it." Aj assured.

"I was." Rona admitted. "Why not?"

" It could hurt the dragon." Caspian answered with his vast knowledge. "And we would not want that. Laela would have to come all the way down from dragon stone and deliver you a new egg, and who knows when that would hatch." Rona put her egg back on the fire.

Vizzy himself was already excited about dragons. He stared longingly at his egg watching the flames flicker around it for hours of entertainment. When vaera fed him his lips were focused but his eyes were stuck on the egg. Willing it to come to life.

Vaera loved dragons. Criston liked the baby dragons more than calypso. He knew calypso would take care of vaera but he was worried that calypso didnt trust him completely yet. Even though they had been married over 8 years and Calypso knew criston longer than that  criston wondered if he would ever feel completely comfortable around dragons.

"Rawrrr," vizzy whispered. He smiled a wide gummy smile up at criston.

"You are my little dragon." Criston agreed picking him up and spinning him around as if he was flying. Vizzy laughed and laughed 'rawrrs' escaped his lips.

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now