26. Claim On You

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Moons passed and the children grew up. Grew into beautiful young dragons. Their eggs had not hatched yet and Rona and AJ still needed eggs themselves.

Vaera fell into a rhythm of loving criston and her children and ignoring Rhaenyras exsistence.

"It must be strange, princess." Larys remarked vaguely.

"What?" Vaera countered her voice small. Larys knew Vaera was feeling left out, knew that she spent her time with the children and her husband and that Rhaenyra and Alicent still avoided her like the plague. She was vulnerable.

"Feeling like an outsider, in your own home." Larys remarked.

"That obvious huh?" Vaera countered and Larys was surprised she admitted it. He took a step closer.

"I hope that you know that you have a friend in me." Larys remarked and Vaera's gaze shifted to him meeting his dark eyes. He offered her a half smile.

"Thank you Larys." Vaera finally answered "Thats really sweet." Her chest felt heavy and she took in a deep breath, letting it out slow. Larys watched her curiously. "Excuse me lord Larys, I have to find my husband. I think we are going on a trip."

"Safe travels then." Larys agreed.

"You want to go to dragonstone?" Criston questioned as he rocked AJ back to sleep.

"I was born there but I dont remember it much, my father became king quickly after and its home."

"I thought this was home?" Criston countered.

"It... is." Vaera agreed slowly. "But it just doesnt feel like it recently." Criston nodded bringing a hand to her arm, drifting down her arm grabbing her hand. He gave it a squeeze, a smile curved her lips, the saddest smile he had ever seen.

"Whatever you need." Criston agreed. "Change might be good."

As suspected Aegon was not happy about this.

"WHAT!" Aegon demanded as he stormed in to see Vaera was indeed packing. "Vaera!" Aegon whined. Criston glanced back at him.

"Do you two need a moment?" Criston mused.

"Yes." Aegon demanded.

At six Aegon thought he had a claim on Vaera, one that would get him to adulthood and make him a true contender for her heart. Vaera loved that Aegon loved her so much but she needed a break from the capital the constant silent battle raging between the women of power in the castle.

What power did any of them have anyways? None or else they wouldnt be so miserable.

"Just a trip." Vaera remarked.

"For how long?" Aegon countered, his lip quivering as he moved to her.

"I dont know, baby, I will be back before you know it." vaera offered.

"How long?" Aegon repeated.

"I dont know, didnt think that far yet." Vaera remarked.

"Okay." Aegon agreed.

"Okay?" That was easier than she expected.

"I'm going to pack a bag." Aegon decided as he headed out. "Dont leave without me." He added pointing a finger between them before marching out.

"I mean..." Vaera looked to Criston. "I dont mind if he comes with but are you okay with the competition?" she mused.

"I think I can handle the competition with aegon." Criston assured.

"Are you sure?" Vaera countered wrapping her arms around him. "He's really cute."

"I also know that Alicent is never going to agree." Criston remarked kissing her. "Poor boys heart is going to be broken."

"What do you mean no?" Aegon's shouts could be heard down the hall.

"You are not running away with Vaera!" Alicent demanded grabbing his bag and dumping it out. "Whats gotten into you?"

"Vaera! The love of my life." Aegon reminded her.

"Gods," Alicent muttered.

"By the old Gods and the new!" Aegon agreed loudly. "I will have her as my wife!"

"He has gumption." Vaera declared as she secured her bag.

"I got it," Criston remarked grabbing it from her.

"MOTHER! WHY DO YOU HATE ME?" aegon questioned dramatically.

"WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO DRIVE ME TO AN EARLY GRAVE?" Alicent countered staring him down.

"What am I doing?" Aegon countered, Alicent ran a hand over her forehead rubbing at her worry lines. "If it means I can go with vaera then yeah, I will keep doing it!"

"Aegon, no. You are six. You are not a man and I am your mother. You listen to me."

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now