44. Handsome Mistakes

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Vaera was back to flying every day again, she flew with Criston and the kids, they raced around the capital. She took up old hobbies and new. She started making clothes for Nyra's baby to be. She liked how time seemed to pass quickly when she was crocheting. She loved tending to the children and helping Rhaenyra through this pregnancy, even if Rhaenyra didnt always want the extra help.

"You dont have to baby me." Rhaenyra remarked. 

"You like it." Vaera countered as she placed a tray of cookies before her. "You remember when we were little?" Vaera questioned sitting beside her on the bed. "And we were the best of friends and you said... what did you say?"

"I wanted to return you but now I couldnt imagine life without you." Rhaenyra recalled softly, meeting vaeras gaze. 

"That was it." Vaera agreed.


"I dont know about her." Rhaenyra had told Viserys and Aemma. "She's... well she's always following me around."

"She adores her big sister." Aemma agreed. Rhaenyra shrugged. 

"NYRA!" Vaera declared running on little legs to catch up. "NYRA! Wait for me I got little legs!" Vaera shouted stumbling into Aemma. "Hi mama."

"Hello my little love." Aemma cooed bending down to kiss Vaera. 

"Hi Nyra, we play?" Vaera questioned, big violet eyes. 

"Sure, but I'm in charge." 

"Okay!" Vaera agreed eagerly chasing after Rhaenyra as she marched off. "What are we playing?"  Rhaenyra tipped her head from side to side. 

"Chicken." Rhaenyra decided. 

"Chicken? I'm not hungry yet- well I would eat a cookie." Vaera countered. 

"Lets go into the dragon pits." Rhaenyra corrected. Vaera took a step back. 

"Calypso is a baby, shes not in the pits." Vaera corrected. 

"I know but the bigger dragons are." 

"Is uncle Daemon here?" Vaera questioned. 

"I saw his dragon fly in." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"So why do you want to play with chickens?" Vaera questioned. 

"I want to see who can touch Caraxes first." Rhaenyra countered. 

"Whats that have to do with chickens?" Vaera countered still confused. 

"Don't chicken out." Rhaenyra suggested. 

"Okay." Vaera ran off and Rhaenyra was amazed at her fearlessness.

"Where is the little love?" Daemon questioned. 

"She ran off with her sister, Vaera follows Rhaenyra around like a puppy." Viserys remarked. 

"And Rhaenyra runs away from her like a scared cat." Aemma added. 

"Well then I shall go and find her." Daemon decided. "We all know I'm the favorite." 

"Please," Viserys scoffed. "Vaera is my little girl."

"I'm uncle Daemon." He countered as if that said everything. 

"Okay thats a big dragon." Rhaenyra remarked staring up at Caraxes. "What are you doing?" 

"I'm going to pet him. HI!" Vaera declared marching forward. 

"You are going to die and mother and father are going to hate me." Rhaenyra realized. "Vaera no!"

"YOu choose the game." Vaera countered turning around as Caraxes got up, he loomed over her. "I thought you wanted to play with the dragons?"

Rhaenyra took another step back in horror. 

"I changed my mind. Come here Vaera! I dont want you to die!" Rhaenyra shouted. 

"Die?" Vaera countered glancing back as the sun faded away and darkness covered her. "Oh, hello Caraxes." 

"Kelītīs." Daemon commanded halting Caraxes. 

"Uncle Daemon!" Vaera declared running towards him, Rhaenyra could breathe again. 

"Trying to fry your little sister?" Daemon tsked before scooping up Vaera. 

"I missed you!" Vaera declared. 

"We dont have to tell mother and father, right?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"Oh silly girl." Daemon chuckled. "I'm going to enjoy telling them." Daemon corrected.

"We were just playing, right Vaera?"

"Yeah we were just playing but Nyra is always in charge." Vaera remarked. "It's okay though, she wouldnt led me astray." 

"I know previously I wanted to return Vaera," Rhaenyra admitted when Daemon told Viserys and Aemma where he found the girls.  "but now after seeing her almost get eaten-" Viserys paled at the thought. "I couldnt imagine life without her. I will never play in the dragon pits ever again." She assured. 


"Thanks for not giving up on me." Rhaenyra remarked. 

"Thanks for putting up with me chasing you around constantly. It was only because I wanted to be just like you." Vaera informed her. 

"Now you dont want to be like me, surely. I am a mess."

"You are not a mess." Vaera corrected. "You just made some handsome mistakes."

"Thats a nice way of putting it." 

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