62. Crowning

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"Will you stay for the crowning?"

That was a loaded question.

"I can't watch your son get what was rightfully mine." Rhaenyra corrected sharply. Daemon glanced to Vaera grabbing her hand. 

"I will be there." Daemon assured. Vaera felt relief fill her. 

"What are you doing?" Otto questioned. 

"I'm leaving, you should too." Alicent barked back. 


"Caspian will be crowned tomorrow." Alicent reminded him. "I dont want to be in the castle when that happens."


"Vaera and I have never gotten along." Alicent reminded him. "I'm taking Helaena and we are leaving."

"Not the boys?"

"I tried to convince Aegon and Aemond but they refused. Said they wanted to be knights on the royal guard, stay closer to vaera."

"Helaena wants to come with you?" 

"She knows I need her." Alicent agreed. "She... I'm a bad mother, and I'm going to try and do better." Alicent decided. "With Helaena and far, far away."

"Alright." Otto agreed. "I doubt they will keep me as hand after everything anyways." Otto admitted. "I will get packed and we will head out."

"Thank you for not fighting me on this." Alicent agreed. 

"You are not a child anymore Alicent." Otto remarked. "You can make your own decisions."

"I dont want to go, I want to see Caspian crowned!" Luke declared. 

"No, we are leaving." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"We just left and now we are back and you want to leave again!" Luke declared annoyed. 

"Yes!" Rhaenyra demanded. 

"I'm sorry about grandsire but-"

"This is not about your grandsire this is about the decision he made... maybe it is about him but not about it death." Rhaenyra corrected. 

Alicent left. She took helaena and they went south with otto. Rhaenyra went back to dragonstone with her boys and when Vaera got to the throne room the next morning she was saddened to see Rhaenyra had truly left.  But Daemon smiled back at her. 

Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack so Vaera had to let go a little bit or else she was going to crack.

"I still miss him, it seems strange to  just... move on." Vaera remarked. 

"Tis the way of the world. It just keeps spinning." Daemon countered. 

"I wish it would stop while my heart finds its beat again." Vaera admitted as she buried her face in his chest.  Vaera moved to Criston's side, she held her children close as Caspian approached. He smiled back at them. Vaera felt a wave of pride and sadness as he walked forward. She looked to Aegon and he grabbed her hand. 

"You always got me." Aegon assured kissing her cheek. Criston put some distant between them pulling Caera between Aegon and Vaera before moving forward to crown his son. 

''May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need." Septon Eustace began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." Criston stepped forward the crown in hand. Caspian smiled up at his father, it didnt meet his eyes though, there was a worry and clouded nerves in his gaze that Criston settled with a single nod. 

"The crown of our king Viserys the peaceful, Viserys Targaryen, passed down through generations." Criston spoke as Caspian breathed deeply awaiting the crown be placed on his head. He looked to his mother and Vaera gave a small shaky smile. She was so proud of him but she was also worried at what was coming, the change in the capital with a new king. 

''Let the Seven bear witness: Caspian Cole Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Criston announced putting the crown on Caspian's head. He rose up and looked to his family. They bowed and curtsied to him. 

''All hail His Grace, Caspian, first of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm."

"I would like to say something." Caspian remarked turning to the people. "I'm honored that my grandsire chose me to be his heir, I know I am young but I have been training with grandsire since before he named me his heir. I hope to do just as good as my grandsire, if i'm lucky even better. I am your servant as much as you are mine. So lets make Westeros great. Together."

Daemon came before the council and Vaera was proud to announce that her uncle Daemon was going to be the new master of war. They didnt talk about Alicent and Rhaenyra, their names hurt. They focused on the present, on the people they loved and that truly supported them. 

Caspian knew he needed a new hand of the king and he knew just the person he wanted guiding him. 

"Father." Caspian remarked. "I name you, hand of the king." Criston smiled back at him. 

"Are you sure?" Criston questioned. 

"I need people I trust on the council and you have never steered me wrong." Caspian agreed. 

 Caspian assured his parents that the titles of protector of the realm and hand of the king belonged to his parents. He could think of no one better to help him than the people that had been helping him his whole life.

Vizzy tugged on Vaeras dress as they clapped out. 

"Yeah baby?"

"Celebratory cookie?"

Cookie Monster / Vaera Targaryen Out now!! 🍪🍪

Your Name Hurts / Criston Cole / Vaera TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now