Deal It Is

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In the peace and serenity of this moment, you almost forgot the situation you were in. Dread begins to swell within you as you think about how you agreed to that Dazai's deal without hearing the details.

Wait a minute.


You yourself hit the ground quite hard. Did that suicidal maniac actually succeed? Did Dazai...actually die? If not for your ability, then you'd most certainly be dead so how'd he-

Your question gets answered with more questions though when you hear Dazai's voice...and another...?

"Thanks a bunch Chuuya~ I was in quite the pickle!"

The other voice grunts, clearly not having it with Dazai.

"The hell is all this, Dazai??!"

You roll your head to your left to see a short man with a stylish hat on. Currently, he's setting Dazai on the ground, a faint red glow emitting as he uses his gravity manipulation powers. Nakahara Chuuya. You know that guy.

He speaks aggressively, exasperated with the whole situation.

"How the hell did you manage to drag another person into your suicidal tendencies this time???"

"Hey hey, believe it or not, I wasn't lying when I called you and said I needed your assistance ASAP."

"You idiot. Just what kind of mission has you falling off of buildings?"

Reinforcements...When did Dazai have the chance to call in for any assistance?

It comes to you though:

This must've been what Dazai ran off to do when he told you to go to the roof before him. It pieces itself together. Seems like Dazai just confirmed his suspicions of yourself after your conversation on the roof. He knew all along what you were planning before you'd even left Mori's office...

Your attention gets drawn away when you hear your name being called. Dammit. They saw you're awake...

"(Y/n)! Morning~"

Dazai smiles deviously. You deadpan at him while seating yourself in an upright position. You'd rather not talk to him while laying on the floor.

"What do you want?" You say gruffly.

"Just making sure you're actually alive! It didn't matter that much to me whether you survived or not, but just thinking about all the wasted effort I went though if you'd actually booked a ticket to the next world- That'd suck." He shrugs nonchalantly. Meanwhile, Chuuya stares at your guys' interaction silently with his arms folded.

"Hmph. Dazai, why'd you let me live?" You inquire. Dazai looks intently at you and then chuckles.

"(Y/n). We made a deal, no? Take my advice. I suggest you worry more about that than my reasons for what I decide."

You stare at Dazai, a scowl on your face. This guy really gets on your nerves.

"Care to explain the deal did I agreed to?"

It makes you a bit uneasy knowing it could be anything really. It could be something that gets you killed either way somehow. Or maybe it's a fate worse than dying. You wanna groan and slam your head against a wall just thinking about it.

"As the price for letting you live, I want you to work as a member of my unit in the Port Mafia."

Wha??? Surely there's more to it...?

"Huh? That's it?" You raise an eyebrow.

"Yup~ That's it! Think about it like this though: this is a threat. If you really do try to betray the Port Mafia, there'll be no second chance. You're within my reach and I could easily end your life on the spot. Besides- I doubt it'll be easy like you think."

You get a slight chill at that. You are so dead in that case. You still really wanna leave the mafia...but looks like you'll have to lay low for a while if you wanna keep breathing...Best leave the escape planning in your head for now.

"Looking forward to working with you, (Y/n)!" You grimace at the smile he gives you. As if he didn't threaten your life-

"Tch. Guess I've got no choice."

The two of you shake on it. Tired, you end up taking a taxi home later.

"Yo. Dazai. What's up with all that?"

Chuuya and Dazai stand and watch as a taxi rounds the corner to take you home. Chuuya leans on the dusty glass pane of the building you fell off of earlier. Dazai stands nearby. Quickly, you and the car disappear out of sight as the sun begins to descend into slumber.

"What's up with what, Chuuya?"

"That person you jumped off the roof with obviously. What the heck is this?! Some lovers' suicide?"

"I'm honored you'd think that~ But alas. No. Nothing dreamy like that. It was an opportunity missed when you put it like that." Dazai shrugs. Chuuya scoffs at those words.

"Wanna explain just what happened here? That person was that weird immortal Mori picked up not too long ago, right? What are you guys doing jumping off buildings?"

Dazai contemplates for a moment whether he should explain or not. He sighs, but directs his gaze toward his comrade.

"Mori sent me here to assassinate (Y/n). There was a bit of a change in plan however."

Chuuya's eyes widen.

"But...didn't you just let them walk off right now? Then why-"

"Why did I let them live? Why did I go against Mori's plan? Heh. It's simple I guess. I sense a kindred spirit is all."

"Since when did you have any sympathy? I'm not sure this is even Dazai right now- I must be dreaming." Chuuya laughs.

"I can assure you you're not dreaming."

"Damn. You're serious aren't you. This is so not like you."

Chuuya then stalks off. He lost interest.

Though his audience was gone, Dazai finished his thought.

"It's not sympathy. And it's not some form of mercy or compassion either. I'm just curious is all. 'Just what kind of reason does this kindred spirit of mine have for living?'" Dazai's gaze becomes intense as he stares out at the blazing sunset alone.

"I wonder if it'll give me a clue as to how I'll find my own."

White Lily (Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now