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"Hello again, (Y/n)."

"Let's get this over with." You greeted your current boss gruffly. Mori simply smiles flatly at your response, ignoring the tone in your voice.

"Well you're as lively as ever."

"...Mhm. Sure."

You realize it's actually been a while since Mori called you into his office. He hasn't beckoned for you once since you started working with Dazai. If you remember correctly...it's been about a month? Give or take.

The office hasn't changed in the slightest. It's still as gloomy and drab as ever it seems...Except for one thing:

You manage to crack a small smile as you attempt to wave at a small, blonde child in the room.

"Hi, Elize." You say, much more warmth in your voice and expression than when you spoke to Mori.

"Hi, (Y/n)." She says, waving back fondly.

"Why, Elise dear-It seems you always get along better with (Y/n) than me..." Mori feigns wiping a tear from his face to drive home those pity points.

"Yeah, well DUH, Rintaro. " She puffs up her cheeks and faces away from Mori. She crosses her left arm over her right arm, pouting.

"Oh Elise, how you wound me..."

"Hmph! Give me a break. Just do your job already." Elize turns and quickly stalks off. Mori calls after her mildly desperately, but the girl ignores him, the exception being the stink eye she leaves him before walking out the door.

You waited and watched silently through the minor Elise ordeal. You and Mori waited until she left to resume your meeting. You're the first one to speak.

"It's been a while, Mori. What do you need from me?" You cock your head to the side as you await an answer.

"Hopefully, it's nothing too much to ask." Mori's expression straightens from his earlier smile. His expression falls a little more serious.

"'Hopefully'? What is that supposed to mean?"

Mori clears his throat before speaking. When he finishes, he says, "I have a favor to ask of you. As you know, you have a very special ability."

You raise an eyebrow. Okay, exactly where is this going? You can't help but be wary of what Mori is going to ask of you.

"Uhm...Mori, where are you taking this?"

"Let me finish. What I wish is simply to study your ability."

Oh god. A freaking lab rat- Welp. This ought to be a real drag this time. Internally, you started crossing your fingers that Mori just needed a one-time thing or something. Anything but weeks on end with testing.

"You want me to be some...uh...guinea pig???"

"More or less. I don't need much though. An idea came to mind that I want to test out. For now, all I'll need is a small, tiny thing from you."

"And that is?"

"A sample of your blood."

A couple mixed emotions filled your being. On one hand, that seems surprisingly reasonable. Studying something that's yet to be understood is an important part of science and development. You realize there's even potential benefit for you if Mori studies your power as you may understand it better yourself.

On the other hand, this means having to let 'that' guy watch you squirm while getting your blood drawn the first time. Jeez. You've wondered about feeling pain for over the past decade of your existence, and now that you've become acquainted, you're kinda avoiding it.

White Lily (Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now