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"And that would conclude the briefing. Simple, right?"

Mori smiled from behind his typical folded fingers. His expression was close to normal, but there was an exception as there were clear bags beneath his eyes.

A petite man with a midnight-colored hat growled at that last comment, responding, "Yeah right- Simple my *ss..."

Moonlight seeped through the glass panels forming the windows of the space. Mori took a moment to gaze out the window at the glowing moon in the sky. Suddenly, Chuuya's voice calls for his attention.

"Hey boss, before I leave, how's that one immortal doing? I heard they left you some blood samples or something after a mission last week."

"Oh you heard about that?"

"Yeah, from Bandages. He was going on an on about how funny it was watching (Y/n) staring at the needle. Said they were so hyper focused on it that their eyes looked like they were about to pop out..."

"Why yes, that is true. It was as if (Y/n) was challenging it to a staring contest. What brings this up though?"

"Guess I'm curious what the blood's for."

"Hmm, well it's not that complicated, you see." Mori fishes his hands into a drawer to his left. Chuuya hears a soft clink sound before he sees Mori holding a glass vile of red. "I wanted to figure out whether (Y/n)'s blood retains the property of the Gift even when separated from their body. "

Chuuya hums in interest briefly before Mori continues explaining.

"Even if, by some work of the devil, (Y/n)'s arms got sawed off their body, what are the chances it'd still work? So long as Dazai is no longer touching them, and so long as the blood cells are alive, then even that's a valid fragment of (Y/n)'s body, right? More importantly though...I've been thinking about how could it be used for the Port Mafia if we found out?"

"You think their blood can live separately outside their body?" Chuuya inquired a bit.

"It's just a test in the works for now. I truly don't know for sure yet. Not to mention, It's not clear how long their cells remain alive. The fact that (Y/n) isn't still a tiny fetus implies that their cells are definitely still dying and being reborn anew so that (Y/n) may age. With that all being said, from the test conducted so far, there've been some interesting results. Care to hear?"

"Well, that is what I asked for."

"Splendid then. In the last week of having the same blood samples, I've found out that, when it hardens, the blood can in fact repel damage and diseases on its own. You know, if someone were to fashion bricks out of the immortal's blood, the structure would be unbreakable for as long as the blood cells are still alive. As of right now, the blood will either expire by the natural cycle of 30 minutes which takes at max or 120 days under regulated temperature."

"30 minutes isn't very long, you know...And regulated temperature is a difficult thing to work around too. How're you supposed to keep the blood cold? Not to mention, it's not as if (Y/n) has an infinite supply of blood either. So how does this work?"

"Well, what if someone were to be transfused with their blood?"

"Hm...A transfusion...?"

"What do you think has the potential to happen?"

Chuuya stops and ponders for a moment. He idles in contemplation, considering what Mori most likely would want to use this power for.

"Well, in the best case scenario...that person would temporarily become invincible like the immortal, right?"

Mori's smile widens in response.

"Correct. While the skin might still retain full damage, any impact or disease that tries to make its way to the bloodstream will either be weakened or stopped altogether depending on the concentration of (Y/n)'s blood in the patient."

"Wouldn't you need a lot of blood for it to be effective then?"

"Yes...That's indeed a concern of mine. But that's not for you to think too hard about. Does that explanation satisfy you?"

"Hm. It does. Let me know what you find. Maybe more of our comrades' lives will be saved with this...If it goes well, then even just one fewer body bags sent to the morgue is worth it."

"Will do then."

With that, Chuuya exits the Port Mafia HQ to complete his assigned mission.

............. Elsewhere .............

3 bullets to the chest and a head smashed into the pavement- The stylistic killing method of the Port Mafia. If you fail to escape properly, you can only expect as much.

After everything, you can't help but feel it may be a bit of a lost cause to get out...

You sat at your desk, leaning back in your chair, as you tried brainstorming your next escape plan. Unfortunately, nothing's coming to you this time. You rolled an orange no. 2 pencil back and forth across a tiny scrap of paper you ripped out from an old notebook.

"Gehhhhhh..." You sighed deeply. "Maybe I should just give it up for real-"

You held back the urge to smack yourself for even thinking that. What's a life for if you can't really live it? Dammit.

There's one thing that's for sure in whatever plan you come up with. Whatever you decide to do, Mori will be at least one step ahead of it. And as for Dazai...who knows how far ahead he'd be. It's a difficult spot.

Your mind trails around though to other things. When you get out of the Port Mafia, do you even know what you want? Is there something worth risking your life over to get out? Something worth living for like that?

If it came down to it...worth even...killing Dazai over?

Well, that would be if you even could. With the way Dazai operates, even if you were to call it a double suicide and drag him to the bottom of the ocean, he'd still find some way out. For a person who wants to die, he sure is bad at it. There's always that large obstacle that seems to stop him from finally crossing the river to the other side.

Thinking back on it, if you were given free choice in the matter, you're not sure you'd want to kill him in the first place. Isn't he just operating under Mori's orders? Er, well he does seem to enjoy messing with you though, orders or not. At least it hasn't been all bad with him...? Bottom line, even in the midst of the everyday monotony, there's an interesting person to chat with. That's probably the one thing that's changed this whole time.

You settle on just scribbling down a list of obstacles to look out for. Still getting nowhere, however, you decided to put a hold on your planning. You strip your paper into pieces and put each section away, hiding them in different spots.

For the time being, there's something you've been wanting to do. You've heard enough from Dazai going on about this one place. When things aren't working out and you want to take your mind off of it, what does a responsible adult do?

Go out for a drink, right? (c" ತ,_ತ)


You shot up from your chair instantly, threw on a coat, grabbed your keys, and went straight out, making your way to a bar you've passed a couple times on the way home...

Drinks anyone?

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