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"Will you run with me from the Port Mafia?"

You looked intently at this man, and he looked right back at you. He had this deeply sympathetic look on his face.

He had every intention to help you?

To run.

To escape.

To be free of all this.

This was your chance...

So then why is there this hesitation still...? You've wanted this. You've stuck it out for all this time because you wanted out. You wanted a new life. So why...Something just isn't right here...

"Jake, I..."

He continued to hold his hand out. All you had to do was take it. You looked at it, then glanced back at his face, and then back at his hand once again.

Your mind was scrambled. You felt like you were being pulled in all kinds of different directions.

Would it be wrong to take his hand? Would it be wrong not to?

The opportunity to get what you've always deserved.

You deserve to be your own person, don't you?

You gripped some of the locks of your hair out of frustration. This was taking a massive mental toll on you.

You were out of time to decide though. When you couldn't make a decision, of course the universe would make it for you. Time waits for no one.

"OH SH*T- HOW THE HELL DID THAT GUY-" Jake exclaimed, frantic.

"Huh?! What?" You we're thrown into an even deeper state of confusion and panic. You saw Jake one moment, but then you blinked and he just straight up vanished. Poof. In a single instant, he was gone without a trace.

The world around you started to shift. Everything started to spin, and your vision became a swirl of colors.

It spun and spun and spun. Everything moved faster and faster and faster. You imagine that this is what it feels like to get sucked into a tornado right before you die.

Ringing fills your ears as you throw your hands over them to ease the painful sound. You squeeze your eyes shut and curl into a ball, almost in fetal position.

You get dizzier and dizzier and the noises just keep getting louder.

They kept growing, and growing and growing...Until they stopped.

Silence. Complete and utter silence.

Slowly, your eyelids raise up just as the sun rises in the morning.

............. Earlier .............

Dazai and Jake were still seated at the same cafeteria table on the first floor of the hospital. As one would expect, there was a not-so-subtle tension in the air between the two.

"So tell me." Dazai began, "Exactly what did you want to meet me here for?"

Jake took a deep breath. He was definitely nervous, especially knowing the kind of man he was dealing with, but he gathered his strength and fortified it to ask, "I want you to let (L/N) (Y/N) go from both your personal unit, as well as the Port Mafia.

Dazai raised an eyebrow before his expression melted into that of a scowl. It was a subtle scowl, but it was undeniably there.

"And why should I do that? I hardly know you, and what do you get out of assisting (Y/N), anyway? Could it be money you're after? Or perhaps you want-"

White Lily (Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now