Black Needles

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Not again...This man-child.

Just like that last job, you find yourself walking behind Dazai as he ambles through the crowded streets of Yokohama. The man's got no care in the world as he strolls with not just one-but two game consoles in his hands.

This guy. His lack of actual professionalism genuinely gets on your nerves. What is the Port Mafia thinking putting someone so damn child-like in charge.

If Dazai didn't show you his cunning and intelligence last time, you'd be concerned for the future of this organization.

(You must admit though, you're mildly impressed that he hasn't hit 'game over' on either one of his games yet.)

You inhale and exhale in deep exasperation.

"Look, Dazai. I know I said I'd work exclusively as your subordinate, but what about this situation even remotely says 'yes, this is in fact work'?"

Dazai decided to pause ONE of his games to respond to you. On the other hand, concentration mode seems to go up on the other game. You can hear the absolute boredom in the tone of his voice in his response to you.

"Just be patient. We're almost there."

You manage to grumble out a "fine", but you shake your head.

Just how are you gonna deal with this weirdo...

You start taking a look around at your surroundings. It seems you and Dazai have walked into a more desolated part of town.

You can hardly hear any honking off traffic. There's no yelling, or playing, or really anything. Just the occasional patter of your own feet.

Every now and then, you see a car drift by, but that's about it.

Dazai suddenly stops. You were too busy paying attention to your surroundings that you missed his pause.

You ended up bumping into Dazai from behind. A chill runs down your spine as you remember how you can suffer just because you're touching this guy...A slight fear wells up in your stomach.

"Uhm...sorry about that."

"We're here."

Oh good. He ignored you.

You can't help but ask him though, "Dazai, where are we exactly?"

In front of you is a sort of warehouse. You notice the exterior has a lot of metal bits and pieces, as well as a large metal door. Each area of it seemed to be grimy or rusty depending on the materials present.

"Follow me inside. You're meeting someone today."

A little unexpected...

"Huh??? Me?"

You continue to trail behind Dazai, but the two of you quicken the pace. You suddenly notice Dazai's height and how far his long legs can take him when he's actually serious about walking. It's taking a lot more effort to keep up with him now that he's switched the games off.

A Port Mafia member dressed in a similar kind of outfit as you opens up the large, rusted door. It heaves open with a needle-like 'squeak' sound that threatens to destroy your eardrums.

You nod silently to the agent who opened up the door as you and Dazai enter the warehouse.

The heavy door drops closed as soon as you both step inside.

Your guard instantly goes up.

Something's clearly off. Your hand moves for your gun.

Suddenly, something black and sharp whips right past you. You whirl around and notice Dazai is now standing a distance behind yourself.

And what would that sharp thing be targeting?

You grumble discontentedly as you rush behind you. Before the sharp object can get to Dazai, you're already standing there, right in front of him.

The sharp object connects intensely with your abdomen. It tears a rip straight through your white button-up, but aside from that, it deflects right off your skin. The dark object swiftly retracts.

As much as you hate the idea of protecting this guy, you turn around to check on Dazai. Before the words can leave your mouth to ask if he was injured, however, a voice booms furiously from the other end of the warehouse.


You begin to hear loud footsteps reverberate throughout the whole warehouse.

Click click. Click click.

The owner of said footsteps is definitely charging in your guys' direction

What does Dazai do?

Heh. Absolutely nothing. :D

He stands there, eyes closed, with his hands in his pockets. The sounds of cheerful humming can be heard just under the volume of the rapid footsteps. Dazai seems to be enjoying the chaos as usual...

It would appear he's making you do all the dirty work...Great.

Now you have to fight and actually use your brain...

You start running in the direction of your seeming assailant. You hear a click as you unlock the safety of your gun.

The sharp, black object whizzes past you again. Then, just as before, it retracts in the same direction it came from.

Good. You now know the current location of the attacker.

You sprint off in that direction when another of those objects comes at you from the side. It connects with you and bounces off instantly. Within moments however, several more come at you at the same time.

One connects with your leg, right above the knee. Another deflects off your left shoulder blade. The last one comes straight for your forehead. This, however, you catch with your bare hands.

The assailant starts withdrawing whatever power they're using. Perfect.

You hold on tight to the sharp object as you get flung in the direction of the assailant.

At last, you get a good look at him.

A teenage boy, likely at least two years younger than yourself. He has a cloak and white tips at the ends of his hair.

His expression: Downright looks like he's going to kill you right now-

Sheesh. If you could actually die from this guy, you might have been intimidated from that expression of his alone...

This is the plan: This kid seems to attack with some sort of needle-like gifted ability. It thrusts toward a target like a lance and aims to impale. However, afterward, it seems to retract back inward toward the ability user.

Since you cannot feel a thing from the attacks, you decided to grab on as the power retracts in order to let the enemy bring you toward him himself.

Okay well, that 'was' the plan.

He notices you're attached to the end of his power just as you were getting close. Instead of bringing you any nearer within a distance you could strike him, he begins shaking you off of his black 'needles'.

You cling onto his power in order to remain in control of the situation, but after a good minute of tussling, your fingers finally slip.

You get hurtled away violently. You feel weightlessness for a moment, until you feel yourself collide with something.



Huh? You didn't feel that impact as much as you normally would...That's good. That's good.

But...then why'd it sorta hurt a little bit?

You crane your head to look behind you-or would it be below you...?


It would got sent flying straight into Dazai-


Your life begins to flash before your eyes as the black needle races straight toward your chest, about to impale both you and Dazai in one go.

White Lily (Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now