Mission Begin

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"Dazai! What the heck is...this?"

You looked down at your current outfit: A white lab coat, a blue button up, a dark tie, and some expensive-looking black pants. Complete and utter confusion was on your expression the entire time you were changing into the costume. What this impromptu mission was for and what Dazai's planning are both beyond you. Once again, you have no info.

Welp. You're dying inside, though. That is the one thing you do know is certain.

You looked at Dazai's current outfit too. Khaki dress pants, a subtle red shirt, and...uh...glasses? Never thought you'd see Dazai wearing glasses. You can't really deny it: They added a nice touch.

"(Y/n), that tie's crooked." He goes up to you and tugs on it. He starts relooping your tie, trying to make it look much neater.

"Dazai- Stop it. I was going to fix that myself!"

"Mhm~ Sure you were." He finished up his work and let's go of your neck tie. A mischievous smile creeps up Dazai's face. He looks at you and at your outfit and nods in approval.

"Yup. Looks good."

"Okay-the heck actual heck happened to you???" A very slight blush falls on to your face. Not that you'd ever admit it, but it's one that goes I noticed by both yourself and Dazai.

"Hm? Ohh haha. Compliments to myself of course~ Afterall, I made sure to steal the outfits from the most fashionable looking doctors. Aren't I amazing, (Y/n)?"

You deadpan hard. "Sure thing, Dazai...Yeah, anyway, are you going to explain exactly what we're doing here and why I'm wearing some random doctor's clothes?"

"Hm? Oh. I guess I forgot."


"This is the part where you fume with anger-"

"No thanks."

"Aww...(Y/n)'s actually maturing." You swear a vein should've visibly popped on your face.

"DAZAI! GAHHH-" Your self control explodes into a billion fragments. You swear this man's cause of death will be you strangling him if this keeps on going on.

"Shhh. Keep it down. We're not trying to get discovered here." He whispers quite loudly.

(Hey, not your fault if you get discovered cause of his own mischief...right?)

"For goodness sake. Can you please just explain this freaking mission already?"

Dazai sighs before responding to you. "Fine fine. I guess I can do that. Here's the gist of it: This mission is about infiltration and rescue. An important business partner of the Mafia's is being targeted for assassination."

"What's he look like?"

"He's a man in his early 50s. He stands at about 5'6 and his name is Haruto Fujiwara. At the moment, he's staying somewhere within this hospital."

"Oh. I see...Do you happen to know what happened?"

Dazai shakes his head in response, "I don't. An acquaintance of mine is the one who discovered this intel just a couple hours ago, so we haven't had the time to conduct a more thorough investigation yet. The only thing we do know for certain is that someone has declared their intentions to kill him."

How 'original'. So people still like to declare when they're planning on killing someone else? If it were you trying to pick a fight, you wouldn't go leaving random evidence around. If you want someone dead, why give them a chance to prep by warning them? Just...end then for goodness sake.

"Do you know the specifics of how it was declared?"

"By note."

"Heh. Too classic. Are there fingerprints on that or something? Or just the handwriting even that the police can use to identify the person? That would make the job so much easier..."

"Sorry to burst that bubble (Y/n), but by the time the police process and analyze that type of data, Fujiwara would be as good as dead. Not to mention, what if there are multiple parties involved? There could easily be two conspirators or even a whole group. Finding the one who wrote that or delivered the note doesn't mean you find the killer. Especially, it doesn't get you there on time."

"Damn. Not much time to act, is there?"


You sigh. The two of you are having quite the painful 'whisper' conversation. At the moment, the two of you are both devising a plan...wait for it...in a janitorial closet...Yay. Fun.

At tops, it's been an hour since you and Dazai left the Port Mafia HQ. Your day was moving so slowly before, but now the gas pedal is being slammed down. It seems even the most relaxing of days need to be evened out with some excitement unfortunately...

"Alright (Y/n). Here's the plan. I'm going to go do some rounds around the hospital. We don't know where the killer is going to be or where they're coming from. I want to minimize this unknown as much as possible."

"Okay, that's fair. What am I doing?"

"I'll have you guard Fujiwara's room. That way, even if the killer gets past me, they won't enter through the front door."

"Okay, but what if there's a window? Is there one?"

"This hospital was built with the wealthy in mind. Let's not forget the kind of money Mr. Fujiwara has supported the Mafia with after all. That being said, yes there is one; however, the window in his room is made up of bulletproof glass, and it's up on the eight floor. Nobody's using the window to break in."

You've still got questions to consider though...

"What if there's a gifted who has some kind of ability to counter that, though? Like...uh...maybe a glass dissolving ability or even a wall penetration ability or-" You ramble, trying to pour out all the possibilities you've come up with.

Dazai simply chuckles, though. "My, what a worrywart you are. I've already done my research on this. Trust me. Nobody with that kind of ability is coming. I'd moreso expect a person with a stealth ability is coming this time."


"I've got it covered, (Y/n). Just worry about what I've assigned you to do. I've got it figured out."

You sigh in total exhaustion. It's Dazai. Of course he's got it figured out. When has he not? It's pretty irritating how confident he can be...Welp. But...you can't deny that it makes you feel reassured. It's like there's someone to catch you if you fall. Almost.

"Alright then, Dazai. Fine."

"Good. We should be off then."

With that, Dazai suddenly opens the closet door. Light briefly floods your eyes, but they adjust quickly. Noticing the coast is clear, you both walk out, heading in different directions, the sounds of his footsteps and yours, increasing in distance.

He stops briefly. You turn your head back to see what was going on.

"Stay safe, (Y/n)."



With that, you hear the sounds of his footsteps again. You watch his back get smaller as he walks down the echoey corridor. You wait until he disappears before you take your eyes off him.

Strange words, considering, for you, the most fatal place for you to ever be would be being held between his arms.


At last, you walk off to do what the mission has called you for. You shake off all of your inconvenient thoughts.

White Lily (Dazai Osamu x gn! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now