8 Bullets

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A single dark brown eye darted around, scanning the setting for any sign of movement. Puddles of water sank into the ground, small ripples moving within each from the remnants of the school girl's ability.

Dazai and the school kid have been fighting for as little as 5 minutes, but even that's a long while for no progress to have been made.

In a situation like this, Dazai found himself playing a small counting game. One where the question is this: how long until he runs out of bullets?

The model gun the mafioso used was able to hold a max of 8 rounds at a time. So, 8 chances...

Shards of ice flew forward toward Dazai, missing him by a mostly comfortable margin of error, but one that gradually decreased as each shard followed. In order to stop the girl from getting closer, Dazai took quick aim, and fired off a bullet.

Dazai chuckled lightly, looking at his ever lowering odds of success.

Counting the number of times he'd used his makarov, he'd estimate about 4 more rounds were left in the cartridge. With that said, he had no spare ammo.

There was no warning as a looming shadow fell over Dazai from the back. He looked back just barely on time, and his eyes met those of the man who'd been on the floor before.

"Aha. I knew you were clones the moment you 'died' that second time by the tracks."

"Well aren't you so smart."

Grandiosely, the clone pulled back his arm way back, almost forming an arch with his body. Then, he launched himself forward, full force going out to swing at his opponent.

Dazai jumped back quickly, glancing behind him in order to avoid whatever incoming attack the girl was likely to throw at him.

A large pop went off as he fired at the clone, knocking the guy to the ground. He questioned briefly whether the original was on the train with you or if he was here with him.

He leaned toward the latter, figuring the real one would stay to reliably protect the girl who seemed to be his sister.

Dazai shook his head in disbelief as several more clones came out from the train station. They all held guns in their hands. All squeaky clean and their own. Dazai had himself a major swarm to deal with.

Brown eyes took a good look at the weapon in his own hand. The handle was still cold in his palm after all this time, but the hot stench of the smoke coming from the other end of it contrast completely with the cool feeling.

Dazai chuckled once again to himself, now becoming quite unamused.

"Are you kidding me?"

2 bullets left.


"Okay, (Y/n). While I'm pummeling these guys, you go on and do whatever. Just make sure not to cramp my style."

You were grateful he was here. You were indeed. However, Chuuya was kinda hard to work with in a different way than Dazai.

With the suicidal maniac, at least you knew there was a plan somewhere in his head working for you. Not gonna lie, while it's annoying that you seldom know just what these plans are, you can at least rely on them to work out.

Here? Nuh-uh. Oh, you fully trusted Chuuya's ability to destroy a heck of a lot, but then again, the mission was to recover the merchandise. No, it was not to obliterate a whole-ass government funded mode of transport-

If the government's dogs were to come after the mafia for this, you already knew it'd become your problem sooner or later to fight then off...

Oh well. Could be overthink it though since on further though, Mori would probably have someone to pin it on or something if that did come to pass though.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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