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'Come on Cill! You need to get out of the house and have some fun. Let's go for a pint. Or two...' Dermont said to his friend as they were sitting on the couch, talking about how Cillian's wife had caused some problems again with the children's school. Cillian was frustrated and the exhaustion was written on his face.

He felt depressed and upset that it had come to this as, for years, he tried hard to stay with Danielle for his children's sake. Eventually though, he gave up and this meant that he could see his children less often now, only three out of seven days per week, unless, of course, Danielle changed her plans.

After twenty years, the love was gone and so was the passion. Danielle was no longer loyal to him and Cillian had to revaluate his life at the age of 46. The two of them fought a lot and this affected the children who, just last week, said to Cillian's mother that they were glad for the fact that their parents had finally called it quits.

Ever since their separation though, Cillian acted like hermit and stayed at home. He watched TV or listened to music, not feeling the need to go out until, eventually, his best friend had enough of it.

"I don't know pal. I am not in the mood" was what Cillian said while Dermont barged into his friend bedroom and opened up the cabinet, looking for something for Cillian to wear.

"Too bad. We are going out. I am not taking no for an answer" Dermont responded before telling his mate to go and shower which, eventually, he did.


It was Thursday evening, around 6 o'clock when you sat in the university library and packed up your books and laptop before making your way to Temple Bar. As usual, you were late and your friend Emma was probably already waiting for you.

Ten minutes later, she indeed greeted you at the door of the overcrowded pub, telling you that you were being impolite for keeping her waiting.

"I am sorry. I got caught up reading. Drama School is back next week and I need to be prepared" you said, apologising to your friend before giving her a tight hug.

"Nah, don't apologise. I was just teasing you. I couldn't possibly be angry at you" she smiled in response and, the truth was that, instead of being angry, she felt truly sorry for you.

You had recently broken up with James again and the break up itself was a difficult one. You were on and off, breaking up continuously, but this time you were certain not to go back to him. He had cheated on you after you had been with him for three years and the fact that he could do something so cruel broke you.

In the end, however, you stopped drowning yourself in self-pity and when Emma called you up, suggesting a girls' night out, you agreed to join in.

Unfortunatly for you, however, your other friends, Nora and Lorraine did not come. They both attended Drama School with you and decided to see a play at the Gaiety, which was something you couldn't afford to do. Thus, it was just you and Emma and Emma was certainly the odd one out between the four of you.

She was not in the same class with you and the others but, instead, studied fashion design worked as a bartender in Chelsea. She had dropped out of Drama School last year and was funky, outgoing and somewhat weird.

"So, are you ready to get tanked?" Emma asked as you simply stood there when you walked in, still pondering about your failed relationship.

"I rarely ever drink Emma" you reminded her and, the truth was, that you didn't like to go out to bars and pubs either. You much rather sat at home with a good book in your hand while listening to some music.

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