Part 41

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It was around 4 o'clock in the afternoon when you arrived at the BAFTAs and the glitz and glamour were overwhelming.

The red carpet was buzzing with excitement, celebrities strutting their stuff and paparazzi flashing their cameras. And there you were, a timid young woman caught in the whirlwind of fame as Cillian Murphy's new girlfriend.

"I think I am going to be sick, Cill! There are too many people here," you told Cillian as he helped you out of the car.

"You will be perfectly fine. I promise," Cillian reassured you and your heart pounded with each step you took while anxiety coursing through your veins. People around you whispered, their eyes glued to the stunningly handsome man holding your hand - Cillian himself. Some were calling his name and some were simply yelling "here" seeking his attention.

His deep blue eyes met yours, filled with adoration and confidence. He squeezed your hand reassuringly, reminding you that he chose you, age difference be damned.

As you made your way down the red carpet, you noticed Kit, Cillian's assistant, shooting you daggers filled with envy as all three of you were led through the security gates.

And then there was Kim McGhee, the attractive reporter you had heard so much about. She had that sultry gaze, hoping to catch Cillian's attention. She sauntered up to him during an interview and attempted to flirt shamelessly, all while shooting dark glances in your direction.

Your mouth went dry as you watched the interaction. Insecurity gnawed at your mind, making you doubt yourself. What did Cillian see in you, after all? But just as doubt threatened to consume you, Cillian pulled you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist, effectively silencing your internal turmoil while speaking to the interviewer, answering all of her weird questions.

A spark of confidence flickered within you as Cillian, ever the gentleman, deflected Kim's advances with charm and grace, his focus unwaveringly fixed on you. The way he held your hand, kissed your cheek, and whispered sweet nothings in your ear spoke volumes. His actions were a declaration to the world that he belonged to you, and even though this display of affection took place in front of several cameras, it gave you a good amount of confidence.

In the end, Kim McGhee thanked Cillian for his time, and you all wandered on.

But the attention didn't stop there. Everywhere you turned, women stared at Cillian—and not just because he was a talented actor. His captivating aura and undeniable magnetism drew eyes like moths to a flame. You felt overwhelmed, shrinking beneath the weight of their scrutiny.

"Cillian, can we get a picture?" a fan called out, flashing a camera in his face. Your heart sank, knowing that this was just the tip of the iceberg. The constant stream of attention was difficult for you, a shy and reserved soul who preferred the comfort of solitude, and you decided to take a break from this as you were feeling overwhelmingly sick.

Cillian glanced at you, understanding etching lines into his handsome features. He took a step back, his expression determined. "One moment, babe," he said gently before planting a kiss on your temple. "I'll be right back," he said and, in turn, you told him that you would meet him inside.

"Okay. Don't get lost," he teased before he disappeared into the swarm of admirers and, five minutes later, you found solace in the still-empty bathroom stalls.

Your nausea was overwhelming now, and you closed your eyes, taking deep breaths and reminding yourself that you were worthy of his love.

But no matter how much you tried to calm yourself, the uneasiness in your stomach continued to rise. Suddenly, you couldn't hold it in any longer. You instinctively rushed towards the nearest toilet stall and barely made it in time before your body expelled its contents.

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