Part 21

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Minutes later...

"Twenty-three?" Cillian chuckled, thinking that, clearly, the DJ got it wrong but when your heart skipped a beat and you literally turned red in the face, he realised that something was wrong.

Emma too looked like she had seen a ghost and, as tears began to form in the corners of your eyes, Cillian pulled his hand away from yours.

"Y/N?" he asked in disbelieve while all eyes were on you, in these included Kit's.

"It is true. I am sorry" you said with great emotion in your voice, causing even Dermont's and Connie's chin to drop.

"I don't understand..." Cillian began to say, stammering, as he was lost for words before standing up and asking you to follow him.

"Can we talk somewhere please?" he asked and, of course, you nodded before standing up as well and following him outside to one of the more secluded smoking areas which is ultimately where he confronted you about your lie.

"So?" he asked and, by this point, you could tell that Cillian was upset,

"I am so sorry" you told him just as tears tumbled down your eyes while Cillian was shaking his head.

"You are sorry?" he asked angrily before taking in a deep breath, watching you nod. "You know how bad this looks. You didn't just lie to me, but to my friends too. Why?" he wanted to know and you tried to explain your reasons.

"The night we met, at the pub downtown, I could tell that you were much older than me and I figured that, if I told you my real age, you wouldn't have taken any interest in me" you said and, of course, Cillian knew that there was some truth to it. He would not have considered taking you home that night if he knew that you were only just half his age.

"So just fucking lied?" Cillian asked nonetheless, causing you to nod reluctantly.

"Yes, I thought that it is just going to be a one-night stand and that I would never see you again after that. So, I lied. Emma knew and it was nothing but a white lie at the time" you told him, trying to justify your actions, but Cillian did not take well to your justification.

"And you never even bothered telling me the truth even after I told you that I was in love with you?" he asked in disbelieve. He was hurt and confused and you knew that this may likely lead to a break up.

"I didn't know how to" you tried to reason but Cillian was so angry that he simply shook his head and cursed.

"Fuck!" he spat while tears continued to tumble down your cheeks and you tried to reach for his hands, which was something he would not allow.

"Cillian, it's not going to change anything" you told him after he pushed your hand away from his.

"You are half my age Y/N! It changes everything!" he argued a little too loudly before tuning it down again.

"How so?" you asked, seeing that your difference in age did not really mean anything to you, so why should it mean anything to him?

"How so?" he asked angrily before giving you an explanation. "Well, for starters it will impact my career and it will also impact my family. Despite, how am I meant to trust you after this?" Cillian reasoned and you knew that the writing was on the wall for your relationship then and there.

"So, you want to end it then?" you thus asked and he pretty much nodded immediately.

"Yes" he said with some frustration before sighing deeply, with the intention to walk away from you and leaving stand there alone.

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