Part 32

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The crisp spring breeze lazily danced through the vibrant foliage, carrying with it the tantalising scent of blossoming fauna and the promise of new beginnings. It was almost noon of a day filled with endless possibilities.

As the clock struck twelve, Cillian appeared at your doorstep. He was punctual as usual, and his charming smile, etched with a hint of nervousness, illuminated his face as he patiently waited for you to answer the door.

As you swung open the door, your heart skipped a beat when you saw what he held in his hands.

"Flowers? Really?" you asked, chuckling. This was not what you had expected.

"Of course. I wanted to do this properly, you know," Cillian joked.

"You certainly know how to sweep a girl off her feet, Mr. Murphy," you said, playfully teasing him as you took the bouquet of flowers.

"You have seen nothing yet. Just wait until you find out where we are going," he replied with a mischievous twinkle in his striking blue eyes. You couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for this man as you exchanged warm greetings.

"Do tell. Where are we going?" you wanted to know, as the way he smirked at you was somewhat concerning.

Cillian's eyes sparkled with mischief as he leaned closer, his voice laced with a whimsical tone. "Let's just say that we are embarking on a journey to a place where whimsy intertwines with tranquillity and where the soft purrs of feline companions fill the air," he joked, and you let out some laughter.

"So poetic," you chuckled as your curiosity piqued, and you followed him to his car.

The car ride was filled with light banter and playful teasing, a harmonious symphony of laughter and shared moments. Cillian's cultured voice resonated through the vehicle, his words flowing effortlessly like honey from his lips. Your heart warmed at the sound, his intelligent and witty conversation captivating your attention.

"So, I saw you deleted your Instagram account," you pointed out as he was driving, causing Cillian to laugh.

"Yeah, it was funking weird. I never posted anything, and within a day, I had almost 3,000 follower requests. That's way too hard to keep up with, especially when you receive endless messages,"

Cillian let out a hearty laugh, his voice rippling through the car like a melodic echo. "3,000 followers? That's impressive, Cil. Maybe you should have become a social media influencer," you teased, your eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I think I am just too old for social media, you know," Cillian mused as he turned his gaze briefly towards the road before looking back at you.

"Perhaps you're right. It seems social media is a young person's game, old man," you teased him with a cheeky smile just before. Finally, he pulled up in front of a pretty-looking building right on the outskirts of Dublin.

"Well, I might be old, but clearly, I'm still making young man mistakes," he then pointed out, referring to the fact that he had let you go.

As you stepped out of the car, your eyes widened in surprise and delight. Before you towered a charming building painted in hues of pastel pink and adorned with whimsical cat-themed decorations. The cosy cat cafe stood invitingly, with an air of calm and tranquillity. The tantalising aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the faint scent of catnip, creating an intoxicating blend that seemed to embrace your senses with open arms.

"You took me to a cat cafe? Why?" you mused, seeing that Cillian somewhat disliked feline companions.

"Because I know that you love cats, and I figured this would be a somewhat unique place for a date," Cillian told you before searching for an empty seat.

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