Part 46 - Family

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When you arrived at home later that day, you asked Emma to give you some space and, as luck would have it, Nina was Danielle, giving you and Cillian some time alone.

"Hey babe, how did you go?" he asked as soon as you walked through the door of his apartment, his face etched with concern.

Cillian placed his arms around you gently, pulling you close to his chest. His embrace was warm and inviting, but something inside you hesitated. Even though you longed for affection and solace, this situation required a candid discussion – and one that you desperately wished to avoid.

"Well, I know why I have been getting sick recently," you finally admitted with reluctance, taking a seat on the couch with him.

Cillian furrowed his brow, his blue eyes searching yours for answers.

"And? Tell me," he said, his voice filled with concern as he noticed your reluctance and, just as he did, you steeled yourself against the wave of pain that threatened to engulf you.

"It turns out that I am pregnant," you uttered these words, knowing they would undoubtedly affect everything in your world, including your future together.

Silence fell upon the room like a dense fog, filling the void where air used to flow freely.

For what felt like hours, neither of you spoke, neither of you moved, your hearts throbbing loudly within your respective chests. The weight of the revelation hung heavily in the air, thickening until it became almost suffocating.

Then, you saw it. Flickering uncertainty shimmered in Cillian's eyes, betraying the fact that he hadn't seen this coming either. It dawned on you that despite all the passionate nights shared between the sheets, he too must be feeling as dumbfounded as you.

"Are you sure?" Cillian questioned you softly, a tremor lacing his tone.

Slowly, you nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the truth and the implications that came along with it. Both of you sat motionless, caught in the vortex of uncertainty swirling around you both.

Finally, breaking the silence, Cillian cleared his throat before speaking again. "But you said that you couldn't fall pregnant after your surgery earlier this year," he pointed out, his voice conveying confusion mixed with disappointment.

You bit your lip, the guilt welling up inside you. There was no use denying it anymore, and besides, you owed him honesty, especially in such matters. Taking a deep breath, you explained the entire incident leading to the conception.

"Before my operation, the doctor assured us that there was very little chance of falling pregnant. I lost one of my fallopian tubes and have a substantial amount of scar tissue on my uterus. The chances were near zero," you recounted, watching as Cillian digested the information, but chuckling slightly, nonetheless.

"Cillian, I don't think that's funny," you snapped, irritated at his cavalier attitude toward something that could fundamentally alter both of your lives.

He quickly looked away, shame evident on his features. "No, sorry. It's just... your choice of words amused me. You said that the chances were 'near zero'..." he explained before taking your hands into his and then there was an awkward pause before you decided to delve deeper into the matter at hand.

"I made an appointment for a termination procedure," you told him bluntly, hoping that stating it plainly might ease the tension building between you. However, you noticed that instead of reacting negatively or showing anger towards your statement, Cillian remained silent for several moments, contemplating the gravity of your words. Eventually, he spoke.

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