Part 45

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With your best friend Emma by your side, you sat in the uncomfortable plastic chair in the doctor's office, anxiously fidgeting with your hands. The room was sterile and cold, the air was thick with the scent of antiseptic. Thoughts swirled through your mind as you waited for the doctor to arrive and, since Cillian had to take Nina to the police station in order to file a report against Kit, he could not accompany you, making you even more nervous than before.

Throughout the years, you spent a lot of time in hospitals and at doctor surgeries and, it made you feel rather uncomfortable, knowing that you were probably for several tests and check-ups.

Eventually, the door swung open, and in strode the doctor, wearing a white lab coat and a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. You instantly got the feeling that he had seen it all, heard it all, and your situation was just another day at the office for him.

"Good morning," he said in a monotone voice, glancing at your chart while Emma gave you a reassuring smile.

"I saw that you had been experiencing some nausea over the past few weeks," he asked, seeing that you had already told the nurse why you were seeking medical advice.

You nodded nervously, feeling the weight of the revelation you were about to share with him. "Yes, it has been quite intense lately. I have been feeling sick almost every day, and it has been going on for weeks," you told the doctor as he flipped through the pages of your chart, his eyes scanning the information.

He had already been provided with your medical history and list of surgeries conducted in Ireland following your ectopic pregnancy several months ago, which made it more easy for him to understand your concerns.

"Are you two..." the doctor then began to say carefully and Emma began to laugh.

"Are we a couple? No! God no! I am just here for support," she said, giving a playful smirk and the doctor looked surprised by her response and turned back to the patient chart.

He then continued, "So, are you sexually active then?" He bluntly asked, looking straight into your eyes and causing a flush to rise onto your cheeks.

"Yes," you then simply said before Emma informed your doctor that you have a boyfriend.

The doctor glanced quickly towards the window, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. After a short pause, he returned his attention to your chart once more. Then, he spoke slowly, choosing his words meticulously.

"Alright then, and what are you doing for protection?" he wanted to know, crossing his legs and leaning forward slightly.

"Well, nothing really. Since the procedure..." you began to say nervously before being interrupted by the doctor.

"Have you taken a pregnancy test?" he asked ever so directly and your heart skipped a beat.

You glanced down at your hands, unable to meet his gaze. "No, I... I actually thought I couldn't get pregnant. I had been told it was near impossible," you said and the doctor raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by your statement.

"Well, let's not have made any assumptions just yet. It is, indeed, unlikely for you to fall pregnant but the chances are not zero. We should run a test, so please follow me to the exam room," your doctor told you and, with Emma by your side, you trailed behind the doctor.

Your mind was racing with a mix of fear and dread. What if you were really pregnant? What would Cillian say? You had only been together for a few months and the idea of having a child was never part of your plans.

In the exam room, the doctor handed you a small plastic cup and instructed you on how to provide a urine sample.

You went into the adjacent bathroom facilities and followed his instructions, trying not to spill a single drop. After what felt like an eternity, you handed the sample back to the doctor and he took it with a gloved hand, disappearing for a moment to run the test.

"Jesus, Y/N. Why aren't you on the pill? You two fuck like rabbits," Emma asked you after the doctor had left you alone in the examination room for a few minutes.

"Emma!" you exclaimed, flushing redder than usual. "Please stop saying things like that." But deep inside, you knew it was true. Despite your reservations about becoming pregnant, you craved intimacy and closeness, at least twice daily and, as your lover, Cillian satisfied those needs better than anyone else could possibly hope to do.

Thinking about the possibility, you took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. You walked over to the examination table, sat down on the paper-covered surface. The crinkling sound of the paper only added to your increasing anxiety.

The doctor returned, wearing a serious expression on his face. He pulled up a chair and sat down across from you and Emma, placing the test results on the table.

"Well," he began, pausing for dramatic effect, "you are indeed pregnant, ma'am," he continued and your face immediately whitened.

Time seemed to stand still as those words sank in.


The realization had hit you like a ton of bricks, and you had felt a mixture of disbelief, elation, and fear coursing through your veins.

"I... I can't believe it," you stammered, your voice barely a whisper as Emma held your hand quietly. "Is... is it possible that this is a mistake? A false positive?" you queried but the doctor shook his head, a sympathetic smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I am afraid not. The test results are quite clear," he told you and, immediately, the room spun around you, and you felt your heart pounding in your chest.

That's it. Your life was about to change in ways you never imagined. But reality struck.

You remembered Cillian's words, how he didn't want any more children. You knew deep down that he wouldn't be thrilled about this news, and it broke your heart. You gathered your thoughts and found the strength to speak as Emma simply sat there, comforting you with her presence, still holding your hand.

"Doctor, I... I needed to schedule an appointment for a termination. Do you do this here?" you stammered and the doctor nodded, his expression understanding.

"We do. The nurses can schedule an appointment for next week," he told you just before Emma interjected.

"Y/N, you really need to talk to Cillian about this first. Don't make any rushed decisions about this," she lectured you and, of course, you knew that you had to have this conversation with him before actually having this procedure and, although you had made your decision, a pang of sadness lingered. It wasn't an easy choice to make, but you knew it was the right one for your situation.

You were still young and had only just graduated from acting school. Cillian was much older than you and, even though you made the decision to move in with him under the advise of his solicitor, who was handling your immigration case, your relationship was not yet on solid ground after all you went through in the past.

So now, you had a baby on the way - this new development could potentially break them apart. As you drove home, tears stained your cheeks, your heart heavy. This wasn't the kind of problem you expected or wanted to deal with. Not now. Especially considering how complicated your relationship was currently, due to Cillian's infidelity with his former assistant Kit.

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