Part 44

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Jumping up from where you were seated with Cillian, you went to open the door and were shocked to see Nina standing there. Blood dripped slowly down the side of her face as she looked back at you, clearly shaken and confused.

Your heart dropped into your stomach as fear raced through your veins. "Oh my god Nina. What happened?" you asked, panicking, just as Cillian came racing towards Nina as well, seeing her blood covered face from miles away.

Together, you helped Nina inside and sat her gently onto one of the plush couches. As soon as her body met the soft leather, she slumped against it, closing her eyes briefly, seemingly unable to hold herself upright anymore. Your concern grew more intense, as did Cillian's beside you. "What happened, Nina?" he demanded urgently, trying to make sense of the situation while you fetched a clean towel.

Nina opened her eyes but remained silent for a moment, gathering strength to explain. Finally, she spoke, words trembling slightly due to fear and trauma.

"I... I went to Kit's house today," she began hesitantly, telling you and Cillian why she was covered in blood. The three of you listened attentively, horror growing upon hearing the events that transpired. Apparently, after confronting Kit and demanding answers about her behaviour, things turned ugly fast – resulting in the violent altercation that left poor Nina battered and bruised.

"Why didn't you call me?" Cillian questioned with worry, reaching out to touch her injured cheek tenderly before snarling.

"Fuck, I am going to deal with this woman!" he said, grabbing his keys impatiently as you tended to her wounds.

Seeing Cillian's protectiveness made you feel reassured despite the intensity of the situation. But then, a thought struck you - would taking action right now really help Nina?

"Cillian, we need to get Nina to hospital. She needs stitches and medical attention. Dealing with Kit can wait," you suggested calmly, hoping to ease some of the tension in the room.

Reluctantly, Cillian nodded, knowing deep down that him confronting Kit in the heat of the moment wouldn't solve anything. In fact, it could even make things worse as he may be acting unreasonably after seeing Nina hurt like this.

"You should call Danielle. Tell her to meet us at the ER," you suggested to Cillian, thinking logically under pressure before grabbing some things from Nina's bedroom for her.

"Are you okay to walk to the car with us, sweetheart?" Cillian asked his daughter gently, concerned about how much pain she might be in.

With a brave smile, Nina agreed, trying hard to appear stronger than she felt internally. Reaching out for support, she grasped both yours and Cillian's hands firmly, showing resilience amidst adversity.

The three of you made your way to the elevator with a heavy silence hanging between you all, as the lift descended towards ground level. Each step towards resolving this nightmare seemed harder than the last.

Once inside the underground parking facilities, you carefully escorted a pale-faced Nina to Cillian's car, opening the doors for her comfort. She climbed inside obediently, allowing you to place a pillow behind her neck to alleviate some discomfort.

As Cillian walked around to join you in the driver's seat, he glanced lovingly at Nina who sat nervously in the back.

With gentle determination, he started the engine and drove off, navigating through the bustling streets of the city.

During the drive, Cillian held tightly onto the steering wheel, visibly upset by the entire scenario playing out before him.

With a mixture of anger and despair coursing through his veins, he couldn't fathom how someone close to him had caused such harm to his daughter. Nina, still recovering from the recent attack, found solace in your familiar presence during these difficult times. Sitting quietly in the backseat, she closed her eyes intermittently, attempting to process the harrowing memories of her fight with Kit and the resulting injuries.

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