Part 20

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The following day...

Today was the day of your 23rd birthday and this, in itself, made you a little nervous for two reasons.

The first reason was that Cillian had organised dinner and drinks at one of the local Dublin bars and, since you were keeping your relationship a secret from everyone else, being seen together in public was worrisome. Not only was Cillian a rather famous actor, but also was he still your lecturer for another six weeks following your two-week mid-semester break, which was due to commence next Monday.

Thus, if you were to be found out, it would be a disaster for you both and, for some reason though, Cillian did not appear to be concerned about this in the slightest.

Cillian had invited your friend Emma, as well as his friends Dermont and Connie to attend, thinking that, at least this way, you would not be alone. If you were to be seen together with other people, you could have both been there by chance and, due to the busy nature of this particular bar, you could have shared a table for convenience, especially since, at this venue, bookings for less than four people were not permitted.

Emma, of course, concurred with Cillian on this matter. He clearly had some experience in avoiding attention, given his status, and he most certainly was invested in protecting you from any adverse actions by the school's principal.

The other concern you had about tonight however was a little more nerve wrecking for you as Cillian still believed that you were turning thirty today whereas, the truth was, that you were only turning twenty-three.

You had still not told him about your real age and felt incredibly guilty and nervous about it, knowing that he would be rather upset if he found out. You were worried that he would break up with you if he knew that he was almost exactly twice your age and, this, you did not want to risk.

"You know you have to tell him at some point though, don't you?" Emma reminded you as you got ready for the evening, wearing a pair of black jeans and a white blouson style top, the draped fabric of which was giving the illusion that your breasts were a little larger than they actually were.

"I know Em, but I am worried that he will just break it off" you told him as you looked into the mirror, wanting to look good for your boyfriend even though you knew that he really did not care about what you were wearing.

"He said that he loves you, so I doubt that he would break up with you over your age. You have spent almost every night with him in the past three weeks and, honestly, for an actor, it is not a big deal to be with someone much younger. Look at DiCaprio. He always dates women half his age" Emma teased while adjusting your top so that the neckline of it fell softly along your collarbone, showing your soft skin. You could just see the outline of your bra under the silky fabric and had to admit that, by designing this blouse, Emma had done a good job.

"Cillian isn't like that though Emma. He is quite normal, I suppose" you tried to explain, seeing that Cillian hated his celebrity status and so did you. It was not something of interest to you and Emma was very well aware of that.

"I know" she thus said as it was nearly time to leave. "But either way, the longer you put it off, the worse his reaction will be" she then pointed out and, of course, you knew that she was right so you decided to do it today, when you were alone at his house, after your little birthday celebration.

You were going to tell him your real age and see what he had to say about that, hoping that he would forgive you for lying to him.

With that in mind, you took one final look in the mirror and sighed while Emma had a quiet chuckle.

"With you wearing this, he is not going to care about your age. He will just think about having sex with you instead because you look so hot in my newest creation" she then said proudly as she watched your curls bouncing around your shoulders, complimenting your outfit.

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