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Kit was one of a kind. She had Cillian's trust after having worked for him for over eight years, first as a consultant of the agency he engaged for publicity matters and then as his personal assistant.

She knew what he was like when it came to his personal life and she certainly knew that he hated any kind of attention from the media which, until now, Kit managed to keep at bay with his impending divorce.

Of course, for such delicate matter, Kit engaged a well-known publicist who worked with her and Cillian, briefing him on what to say and what not to say after Danielle made their separation public and spoke about it to the press.

This, of course, upsetted Cillian greatly but gave Kit the change to bond with him and learn more about his personal life. She quickly learned about his flaws and any hidden secrets that he may have had before separating from Danielle. She knew that this was something he had to share with her and his publicist now under non-disclosure agreement and she also knew that this gave her and the publicist a valuable inside into his personal affairs which, in turn, then helped them to protect him in case Danielle tried to pin something on him.

Finally, Kit knew about Danielle and her vindictive nature. She also knew about Cillian's secrets and an affair Danielle he claimed to have had a few years ago. But she certainly did not know about you and the fact that you even existed in his life bothered her somewhat.

In her mind, you were attractive in an off-beat kind of way. Your clothes and accessories had their own flare, but they were nothing special at all. You appeared to have snatched them up in a second-hand department store somewhere without making any real effort about your appearance.

"Oh god, how terrible are those clothes" she chuckled quietly to herself. "If I was to date him, I would make an effort to look good, but this woman clearly doesn't care" is what Kit then told herself when thinking about you.

You were shy and somewhat quiet, nothing special really and, yet, Cillian appeared to have been smitten simply by your presence.

You left his apartment while she was still there, chatting to Cillian about his upcoming press engagements and, when you did, he pulled you in for kiss goodbye right in front of her which was something that made her cringe.

It was only peck on the lips but he was not going to let you leave without it and this was more than he ever did at home with his wife Danielle, especially when Kit was around.

At least with Danielle, Kit knew that, from an emotional perspective, their marriage was coming to an end but, with you, this was all new and exciting and it bothered her to know that, just maybe, you might become the new woman in Cillian's life.

She was jealous, feeling as though she missed her opportunity to finally make her move on him, and this jealousy was what quickly turned into a dislike for you.

"Who the fuck is this woman and where did she come from all of a sudden?" she asked herself but she knew that this information would not avail itself to her any time soon unless she started to do some digging.

Cillian usually kept his private life to himself and, except for his three closest friends, including Dermont, no one probably knew about you and who you were so you decided to send him a message, telling him that, ideally, he should brief her and his publicist about his relationship with you.

Cillian's response to her message was not what she expected though as, somewhat directly, he told her not to share anything she saw that morning with his publicist. According to Cillian, you and him had a clear understanding that, whatever this was, was temporary and most certainly off the radar.

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