Chapter 9 - A Poem

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Shooting Star

All I wished for was

To be held close to your heart

The love within me. I don't know how it started.

Every beat from you tells me

The way you loved everyone in the past.

Every kiss I get from you

Explain the things words can't.

The every touch and ruthless desire

Pulls me closer to you and I admire--

The way you live.

The way you walk.

The way you smile.

And your laugh! Oh, it squeezes my heart.

Unimaginable moments

Unfortunate incidents

Unexpected person

No words can put my inner feelings out

You can just be felt when you listen to my heart's rhythm.

It plays for you

It beats for you

It fights for you

And it will of course fight with you.

The butterflies dance

Infinite feelings can't be caged in finite words.

You're trapped in me 

And I'm trapped in you

Being trapped and wrapped is a blissful feeling

I hope our story has no ending.

NOTE: Hey guys!! I came across this poem and it was so heart touching. For some reason I felt it was connected to Lu Sicheng's and Tong Yao's love story somehow, so I decided to share it with you. Tell me how it is. Love y'all!!

--The Writer.

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