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Okay, so here's the problem. I came home from class and got a call from my cousin who's a news reporter. She said she was going through the news and found so many sexual assault cases. I, being the curios cat, searched about this matter. What I found out was horrific.

Every 68 seconds, an American gets raped. And in every 9 minutes, a child is the victim. This is not only a case in the US, but all over the world.

I saw the analysis of my book. Turns out most of my readers are Indians. So I researched about it too. Hundred thousands of girls go missing in India. Out of which less than 30% reach back home, alive. There was another case today, and it was miserable. This injustice happens to us women only, all the time and I know it's not fair but we can't change the world. Don't think that I'm trying to scare you. I'm just spreading awareness.

Many girls are killed, by sexual assault almost every day. Even if some girls survive, they commit suicide to get rid of the humiliation from the society. Don't just read this and feel sad. Try to do something about it. And spreading awareness is the best thing you can do.

To all those girls reading this, please be safe. Return home before nightfall. Do not walk in roads that are empty. Use safety devices. Please stay cautious. 

Also, let's have a few minutes of silence, for all those girls who get assaulted. I strongly respect those woman who even after being raped, fight for their life's and make it better.


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